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> Das Schwarze Auge - тестовая игра, die Spieler werden steckbrieflich gesucht!!!
post Среда, 10-oe Ноября 2010, 12:55
Сообщение #1

Брат О'Болтус
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Разыскиваются игроки, которые хотели бы попробовать систему "das schwarze Auge" 4й редакции, на коротком приключении. Эту систему придумали в Германии, ей уже больше 20 лет, и на данный момент в Германии она наиболее популярная, оставляя позади даже D&D. Система "das schwarze Auge" не особенно простая: википедия говорит, что по своей структуре она близка к GURPS и Shadowrun. Система также не универсальная: для неё существует специальный игровой мир, который называется Авентурия. Он близок к дженерик фентези, несколько менее магический, чем дженерик D&D фентези. Сам мир очень детально проработан и поддерживается немалым количеством профессиональных писателей и гейм-мастеров по всей Германии.
На основе этой системы есть также хорошие компьютерные RPG игры серии Drakensang.

Конечно, большая часть книг - на немецком, но есть книга с базовыми правилами и книга с описанием мира на английском.
Ссылка на книгу с базовыми правилами (качество скана весьма посредственное, конечно, но что есть)
Пароль к архиву: одинадцать, сто, девяносто три, семьдесят один, двести сорок два (всё писать цифрами без пробелов и запятых)
Ссылка на генератор персонажей (freeware)

Ссылки на книги появятся в этой теме чуть позже.

Итак, какие игроки мне нужны:
- Обязательно неплохое владение английским языком. Знание немецкого языка будет также большим плюсом на будущее, если система понравится.
- Возможность потратить 2..3 субботних вечера.
- Желание не просто хорошо провести время, но и вникнуть в особенности системы (хотя бы в базовом варианте).

Играть будем у меня дома, предположительно по субботам вечерами (примерно с 5 вечера и до поздна). Начало тогда, когда наберётся команда из 5 игроков, и все будут готовы с персонажами (возможны прегенереды) - это через недели 2..3, я надеюсь.

Текущий состав: Anoer, Нейманн, Норвик

Сообщение отредактировал Эпикур - Вторник, 30-oe Ноября 2010, 12:04
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post Вторник, 30-oe Ноября 2010, 12:04
Сообщение #2

Брат О'Болтус
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Представляю вниманию будущих игроков первого прегенередного персонажа smile.gif
Это шаблон: пол персонажа может быть любым: имя поменяется и немножко из биографии может быть.

Свенна Рагнильдсдоттир, торнвалийский боецSvenna Ragnildsdottir, a Thorwalian Warrior

Born a trader’s daughter on the island of Hjalland, Svenna decided at an early age that counting casks of pickled fish and bundles of sheepskin wasn’t to her liking. She spent hours listening to the skalds’ tales of the ancient heroes: of clever Torstor Om who challenged the gods, of Hetman Hardred who tried to unite the Thorwalians as one people, of the warriors and explorers of days gone by. And so her mother had to let her go, not to join a community of sailors and pirates, but to train in the warriors’ academy in thecity of Thorwal. (The academy is one of the stranger remnants of Thorwal’s past occupation by the Middenrealmian Priest-Kings, who had left it as a “cultural improvement”).
The first years at the academy were a great disappointment to Svenna. Instead of learning to use axe and sword and shield she was forced to study. She was taught to count and calculate to memorize important historical dates and the arms of foreign countries and to read and write. Though she had spent the evenings on Hjalland with her friends, dreaming, fishing, running through the hills and even drinking her fist beer, she now had to report to bed early and rise with the sun for roll call — and her beer rations were counted! It could haven been worse, as she learned later — it could have been Warkhome or some other Middenrealmian academy …
In her third year in the academy, however, things improved They not only steeled their bodies by running, jumping and swimming, but they learned their first punches and kicks (well the first to actually hurt) and trained with swords and shields (well, wooden ones, but now she knew what all the athletics were good for).
More years passed, and she learned to use more and different weapons: axes, finally, and spears. She was even taught to use the bow — a warrior must be adept with every weapon she encounters. These lessons were handy on thier first fortnight out in the Stone Oak Mountains, when a pack of orks with warhounds ambushed them. But the orks learned that even Thorwalian kids are something to reckon with, even if they only have clubs and daggers for weapons.
After earning her degree—and getting a stupid warrior’s diploma—it was time to say good-bye to Thorwal. As friendly as the people or as good as the beer might be, no sane person should stay in old castles too long, with just the gray sea or the windswept hills to watch. So Svenna was off to Albernia—a land long allied with the Thorwalians—to the famed port of Havena. There she learned what a warrior’s diploma was good for after
spending a night in a damp cell for relieving some stupid bastard of a customs guard of his teeth for asking her to leave her orknose at the customs booth. The bruises were worth the experience, though, once it was clear that her diploma allowed her to carry weapons almost anywhere.
Now dressed in the finest garb Havena’s tailors had to offer and with a purse almost empty by now, Svenna’s on the imperial road to Honeyngton or Ridgerock or Griffinsford to see if the Middenrealmians still have any orks to bash. If they don’t know how, she’ll show them: the two tusks of her first opponent are still dangling from a chain around her neck.
Svenna, game Data
36 VP, 36 EP; RM 1,
Base AT 8; Base PA 7; Base RV 7; Base INI 10
CO 14, CL 11, IN 10, CH 10, DX 11, AG 12, CN 15, ST 15, SO 9
Advantages and Disadvantages: Academic Training (Warrior), Toughness; Claustrophobia 8, Code of Conduct (Uprightness), Low Resistance to Magic 2, Superstition 5, Vanity 5, Violent Temper 5
Combat talent listing: Axes & Maces +10, Bows +4, Brawling +4, Daggers +2, Spears +3, Swords +3, Throwing axes +10, Two-handed Axes & Maces +10, Wrestling +3;
Generic talent listing: Athletics +7, Body control +3, Carouse +5, Climb +1, Perception +3, Ride +3, Swim +7, Willpower +5; Etiquette +3; Bind/escape +2, Fish +3, Orientation +4, Weather sense +2; Anatomy +1, Arcane lore +3, Calculate +2, Law +2, Legend lore +7, Heraldry +3, History +2, Religious lore +3, Starcraft +1, Warcraft +5; Read/write (Kuslik Script) +4, Tongues (Garethi) +7, Tongues (Thorwalian) +9; Boats +5, Leathercraft +2, Seafaring +2, Treat poison +1, Treat wounds +5, Woodcraft +1
Combat Statistics: Axes & Maces 15/10, Bows 11, Brawling 11/8, Daggers 10/7, Spears 10/8, Swords 10/8, Throwing axes 17, Two-handed Axes & Maces 14/11, Wrestling 10/8
Special Abilities: Armor Use II, Off-Handed Weapon I, Shield Fighting I
Equipment: High-quality clothing, boots, orknose, dagger, shield, Leather cuirass (AR 3), Leather helmet (AR +1), Leather greaves (AR +1), weapon repair set, warrior’s diploma

Сообщение отредактировал Эпикур - Четверг, 2-oe Декабря 2010, 17:42
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post Вторник, 30-oe Ноября 2010, 13:56
Сообщение #3

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Когда играем?
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post Вторник, 30-oe Ноября 2010, 14:00
Сообщение #4

Брат О'Болтус
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Как только найдётся четвёртый доброволец, назначим дату через 2..3 недели с того момента.
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post Среда, 1-oe Декабря 2010, 22:49
Сообщение #5

Брат О'Болтус
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Второй из прегенередных персонажей.
Я его даже решил перевести, для большего впечатления smile.gif

Рукус, Гаретийский ПлутRukus, Garetian Rogue

«Если чел родился в Южном Квартале Гарета, он ваще нормально так под светом Императора и самого Герольда Света. Но чувак, такое светило оно реально такиие тени даёт! И если те не повезло, как самому Фексу (свято будет Имя Его!), то ты там убогий служка – коневод какой-нить или на крайняк типа знатный перец, а скорее за всё вкалываешь весь день тягачём, или мелкий воришка, или барыга, а то и ваще голодрань. На твоей могиле ничё не напишут: может молитву какую, если подмазать успеешь, пока копыта не откинул.»
«Но если у тя кишка не тонка выбраться из такой жизни, как ослиная задница, то можно неслабо башлять, на радость Ловкого, вот этими вот пальцами: тока твои мозги и чутка удачи. Ну как я, вощем.»
«Тебя правда иногда называют вором или шулером или мошенником или ублюдком, говорят, что псов вот щас натравят, да тока само большее у них это погоняться за тобой пару минут ну или запечь в камере на недельку. Запомни тока – не тычь ножом в сторону вельмож, а там удача будет всегда с тобой. Надо не забывать ещё кто друг, и кому когда дать на лапу. Понял?»
«И чо надо делать? Ну то да сё. Зырь в оба, ушки на макушке, не зевай ночью, а так – всё. Ловкие пальчики и знать с кем когда поделиться. А ещё я знаю таких ребят, ты о таких ваще не слышал. Даже у маркграфов и патриархов есть свои делишки, понимаешь? Хочешь знать кто? Тебя чо в детстве роняли часто? Да я сам Госпожа Осторожность, ваще!»
«Но ё маё! Иногда все эти замочки, закрытые калитки и шёпот там за ними ну просто очень интересные. А там цепные псы из гвардии засекают тя не в том месте, ну и надо уйти на дно, вот. Так что теперь я тут.»
Rukus, Game data
27 VP, 27 EP; RM 3,
Base AT 7; Base PA 7; Base RV 7; Base INI 10
CO 13, CL 12, IN 14, CH 14, DX 13, AG 12, CN 12, ST 10, SO 5
Advantages and disadvantages: Danger Sense +3, Good Looking, Lucky Gambler, Social Chameleon; Curiosity 11, Greed 8
Talent listing: Brawling +3, Crossbows +1, Daggers +4, Infantry weapon +1, Swords +5, Throwing knives +2, Wrestling +1;
Generic talent listing: Athletics +2, Body control +1, Carouse +3, Climb +5, Dance +3, Hide +3, Masquerade +2, Perception +5, Pick pockets +12, Sneak +6, Willpower +1; Cheat +9, Etiquette +3, Fast talk +5, Human nature +6, Seduce +2, Streetwise +6; Orientation +1; Appraise +3, Calculate +2, Heraldry +1, Legend lore +3, Religious lore +1; Tongues (Garethi) +10, Tongue (Rogolan) +5, Tongues (Tulamidya) +3; Farming +1, Open locks +7
Combat statistics: Brawling 9/8, Crossbows 8, Daggers 9/9, Infantry weapon 8/7, Swords 11/8, Throwing knives 9, Wrestling 8/7
Equipment: Elaborate but inexpensive clothing, feathered hat, marked dice, bottle of liquor, hidden knife in the boot, dagger, sword

Сообщение отредактировал Эпикур - Четверг, 2-oe Декабря 2010, 17:43
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post Четверг, 2-oe Декабря 2010, 17:39
Сообщение #6

Брат О'Болтус
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Третий прегенередный персонаж

Дамар сын Дугобалоша, дварфийский исследователь из НаковальниDamar Son of Dugobalosch, Anvil Dwarven Explorer

“Did you know that the lineage of King Arombolosh can be traced down to the days when the Fiery Fiend wasted the land? Yes, that’s three thousand years and then some, you tall oaf! Those were the days when the pointy-ears bent their knee to the Arch-Enemy, and We Of The Mountain were the sole defenders of civilization against that cold-blooded lizard menace!
“Gone are the days of The Dragon. He fell over his own greed and vanity—and we persevered. But signs are—listen to me!—that the Enemy will rise again. His minions are stirring in the southern swamps and jungles, and some of you beardless folk have already fallen for his lies. That’s why I’m out in the open, watching for signs of Him and searching for our lost strongholds. There’s a carving in the lowest level of Xorlosh that sketches an ancient ballista, you must know, and the Angram glyphs—that’s our ancient and holy language—indicate that it has the power to bring down an imperial dragon. And in the Khom Desert it is rumored that there is a city under the sand where snakefolk—the Skretchy, or however those monsters were called—lived. And there should be a frieze—so it is said in the ancient legend of Curbosh Son of Curthang—where one of their defeats against our brave warriors is depicted. One could even learn from their point of view …
“But it’s always good to be back home, in the shelter of the Creator of Mountains and the Smith Almighty, safe from the machinations of The Dragon and his minions.
“So, where are we headed? On to glorious explorations or shall we have a good beer first?”
Damar Son of Dugobalosch, Game data
34 VP, 39 EP; RM 4,
Base AT 8; Base PA 7; Base RV 9; Base INI 10
CO 14, CL 13, IN 14, CH 10, DX 14, AG 9, CN 14, ST 16, SO 9
Advantages and disadvantages: Dwarfnose, Hard to Enspell, Low-Light Vision, Resistance to Disease, Resistance to Mineral Poisons; Curiosity 8, Fear of Open Spaces 8, Fear to the Sea 5, Greed 5, Inability to Swim, Violent Temper 6
Talent listing: Axes & Maces +7, Brawling +1, Crossbows +4, Staves +2, Two-handed Axes & Maces +1, Wrestling +3;
Generic talent listing Athletics -2, Body Control +1, Carouse +4, Climb +2, Perception +10, Ride +2, Swim -2, Willpower +2; Etiquette +3, Fast Talk +2, Human Nature +1, Streetwise -2; Orientation +4, Survival +2, Track +2; Appraise +6, Arcane Lore +3, Calculate +4, Engineering +2, Geography +2, Heraldry +1, History +6, Language Lore +3, Law +1, Legend Lore +4, Religious Lore +5, Starcraft +2, Stone Lore +8; Tongue (Rogolan) +11, Tongue (Garethi) +9, Read/write (Rogolan) +6, Read/Write (Kuslik Signs) +4, Read/Write (Zhayad) +4, Tongue (Bosparano) +2, Tongue (Zhayad) +2; Boats +2, Cartography +5, Light Engineering +9, Mining +6, Paint/Draw +4, Pick Locks +7, Stonemason +4, Treat Poison +1, Treat Wounds +2; Dwarfnose +7
Special abilities: Armor Use I (chain mail)
Equipment: Sturdy and weatherproof clothing, hard boots, raincoat, dagger, rucksack, waterproof leather map case, charcoal pencil, 20 sheets of simple paper, magnifying glass

Четвёртый персонаж

Исиндия Либрориус ди Грангориа, Горасианская ВолшебницаIsindia Librorius di Grangoria, Horasian Magicienne

Born Hesindiane Varvensbeek from Grangor, daughter of a not-so-wealthy printer, Isindia’s parents were glad that a traveling magician from the Order of the Pentagram of Vinsalt detected that she had the Gift when she was six. She was destined to attend one of the famed magician’s academies rather than working in the print shop, where the hard competition of the new trade meant that her mother could only skim some thalers now and then.
Isindia didn’t think too fondly of her time at the academy, though, as the first years were just like being another apprentice at an artisan’s shop: dusting the shelves, running errands, basic calculations and letters, a box on the ears now and then, sorting stinking weeds, harsh teachers and all that. It took years to learn her first spell, but she still remembers her happiness when her first ball of light in the dark lit the empty cellar where they practised. How she had hated practicsing in that dark room, with the soft tapping of (dog-sized, she thought) rodents that lurked in the walls …
She had to put anything aside except her studies to get her adept’s diploma, her guild tattoo and her wizard’s staff, but she made it—in time and cum laude. Finished were her days of studying and making her parents proud. It was now Isindia’s time to travel and see the world, have fun and care only for herself. She had earned it—she’s good and she knows it.
So now Isindia is off to see what those barbarian Garetians know and what they pay for the service of a qualified magicienne. There is little competition in the hinterland of Albernia, and as most of them are a superstitious lot, there might be a baron in need of magical assistance …
Isindia Librorius di Grangoria, Game data
28 VP, 27 EP, 27 ASP; RM 6,
Base AT 7; Base PA 7; Base RV 8; Base INI 10
CO 14, CL 14, IN 14, CH 14, DE 10, AG 9, CN 11, ST 14, SO 9
Advantages and disadvantages: Academic Training (Magicians’ Academy), Spellcaster; Arrogance 10, Fear of Rats 7, Prone to Illness, Vanity 10
Talent listing: Brawling +1, Crossbows +1, Daggers +2, Fencing weapons +1, Infantry weapon +1, Staves +6;
Generic talent listing: Dance +1, Perception +2, Swim +1, Willpower +6; Etiquette +5, Fast talk +1, Human nature +7, Persuade +3, Seduce +1, Streetwise +2; Animal lore +7, Arcane lore +10, Board games +1, Calculate +8, Engineering +2, Geography +2, Heraldry +1, History +7, Language lore +1, Law +3, Legend lore +4, Plant lore +7, Religious lore +7, Starcraft +6; Read/Write (Kuslik script) +8, Read/write (Tulamidya) +4, Read/Write (Zhayad) +10, Tongues (Garethi) CL, Tongues (Tulamidya) +5, Tongues (Bosparano) +6, Tongues (Proto-Tulamidya) +4; Alchemy +10, Farming +1, Paint/Draw +4, Treat wounds +4
Spell Listing: analytica arcana +3, balm of healing +5, clarum purum +4, claudibus clavistibor +3, fastness of body +4, gardianum +4, light in the darkness +3, mutander salother +5, thunderbolt +6
Combat Statistics: Brawling 8/7, Crossbows 9, Daggers 8/8, Fencing weapons 8/7, Infantry weapon 7/8, Staves 9/11
Equipment: Robe covered in arcane symbols, horned cap, wand with First Wand Enchantment, ceremonial dagger, ink bottle, quill, 10 sheets of parchment, dagger, leather shoulder bag

Сообщение отредактировал Эпикур - Четверг, 2-oe Декабря 2010, 17:45
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post Четверг, 2-oe Декабря 2010, 22:42
Сообщение #7

Брат О'Болтус
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Ну и последний, пятый из предлагаемых персонажей smile.gif
Игроки, которые уже объявили о своём участии, могут разбирать роли smile.gif

Фелериан Всадник-Сквозь-Сон, эльфийский певчий-сказочникFelerian Dreamrider, Elf Legend Singer

Many summers have passed since Felerian was born to his clan. They dwelled near the human town of Thunderbrook, close to the Salamander Forest—the mythical place where the first elves “stepped out of the light”—yet close enough to know that the world wasn’t enlighted any more. They shunned the tree-homes of the badoc Thunderbrook “town-elves,” instead living some middenmiles up the river, knowing that orks and goblins roamed the wild lands north of the Pandlarin (Lake Lamprey, as the humans called it) and south of the Salamander Stones. Nearby, within two day’s fast jog, dwarves dug up the hills near Uhdenmount, and in Gashok a group of humans followed an odd religion.
The elves kept to themselves and only seldom exchange herbs and artwork for human metalworks. It was a good life: hunting and gathering, singing the tree brothers to new forms, meditating on one’s way, running for the sake of it, composing songs to harmonize with the melody of nature, living in the here and now.
Then the orks came. With their shaggy ponies, their rabid war-dogs and their armored war-wagons, they flooded down from the Blood Barrier to the Fog Moors, screaming and killing, plundering and razing the villages and driving the humans before them. The melody had changed. No longer comprising all, the chords were interwoven with human sounds, as if elves and humans now shared a song.
So Felerian had to choose a way for the coming years. He was no beast-brother or one with the bow, nor was he innocent enough to be a warrior. But he was one with his iama (his soul instrument) and his memory was strong, so his clan chose the way of legend singer for him. It was his task to see and remember, to mend the song of his clan and bring worthy humans into the harmony.
Felerian found few humans worthy of the company of elves, but he saw and he remembered. Raging battles and southern spices. Ships and tall towers. The ferocity of the short-lived ones and their will to be and to last. Works of humans and orks, crude but effective. Even the workings of the sinister taubra of the orcish shamans and the walking dead.
The threat of the orks has passed—for now—but the curiosity remains. He has seen the Great City of Gareth (enough not to enter), the dwarven halls in the mountains near Angbar (ditto) and now his steps lead him to Albernia, where his kin lived in the days before orks and humans settled and fought here.
He will see, he will remember. His song will strengthen his clan, when he returns … some day.
Felerian Dreamrider, Game data
22 VP, 31 EP, 20 ASP; RM 5,
Base AT 7; Base PA 8; Base RV 7; Base INI 10
CO 11, CL 13, IN 15, CH 14, DE 12, AG 15, CN 11, ST 9, SO 8
Advantages and disadvantages: Bardic Voice, Good-Looking, Low-Light Vision, Resistance to Age, Resistance to Disease, Spellcaster; Arrogance 10, Curiosity 5, Elven Worldview, Vanity 8
Talent listing: Bows +7, Daggers +3, Spears +7;
Generic talent listing: Acrobatics +2, Athletics +1, Body Control +5, Carouse -2, Climb +1, Dance +8, Hide +5, Juggling +2, Perception +7, Sing +12, Sneak +5, Swim +1, Voice Mimicry +3; Fast Talk +2, Human Nature +7, Persuade +3, Seduce +6, Streetwise -2; Fish +1, Survival +7, Track +3; Animal Lore +3, Arcane Lore +3, History +2, Legend Lore +10, Plant Lore +2, Starcraft +3; Tongues (Isdira) +11, Tongues (Garethi) +9; Bowyer +6, Leathercraft +2, Paint/Draw +3, Play Instrument +10, Treat Poison +1, Woodcraft +2
Spell Listing: auris nasis oculus +5, be my friend +3, breath of magic +5, move as the lightning +3, see true and pure +3, sleep of a thousand sheep +5, thunderbolt +7, clarum purum +2
Combat Statistics: Bow 14, Daggers 9/9, Spears 12/10
Equipment: Travelling clothes, dagger, spear, musical instrument (soul instrument)

Сообщение отредактировал Эпикур - Четверг, 2-oe Декабря 2010, 22:49
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post Четверг, 2-oe Декабря 2010, 22:57
Сообщение #8

Младший варварский бард
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В последнее время падок на сильных женщин. smile.gif

Предварительно - Свенна... с соответствующими изменениями.

Либо Legend Singer, не будь он эльфом.
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post Четверг, 2-oe Декабря 2010, 23:20
Сообщение #9

Брат О'Болтус
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Ты же у нас мужик, вот и играть будешь мужиком. Статсы могут быть точно такие же, но звать персонажа будут не Свенна, а Свен smile.gif
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post Пятница, 3-e Декабря 2010, 09:13
Сообщение #10

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Возьму Исиндию Либрориус ди Грангориа, Горасианскую Волшебницу.
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post Пятница, 3-e Декабря 2010, 18:27
Сообщение #11

Goblin Architect
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Еще определяюсь - или дварфийский исследователь, или Рукус-жулик.
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