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Дневники: casper_MALK_ -> Мемчики и Деградация
23 декабря 2013
 15:04   Kickstarter update
Если я ничего не напутал, то вот список игор, которые мы получим в феврале:
1 Home

Home is a story roleplaying game about soldiers in a fantasy world returning home from a long and costly war. Being on the losing side of the war, the characters must overcome adversity, national tension, and a lack of resources as they navigate the roads and wilderness. With only a few coins in your pockets, your long trek home begins.

2 Black Site

Black Site is a story roleplaying game about prisoners being held and tortured at secret rendition sites around the globe. Having already been captured, the prisoners are held in various locations, and denied access to basic human rights. They will be beaten, interrogated, and tormented until they finally give in to the demands of their captors.

3 Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc is a story roleplaying game about scientists and rescue personnel working to save a damaged space station before disruptive energy rips it apart. Starting from the planet’s surface, the team has limited time to get to the station, climb inside, and repair the damaged station. The clock is ticking as problem after problem besets the team members who have limited resources to battle the ravaged reactor core.

4 Power Station

Power Station is a story roleplaying game in which players take on the roles of world leaders with access to unfathomable fuel sources, while neighboring nations covet their power. Set in a near-future world, Power Station asks questions of responsibility and power. Will hubris be your nation’s undoing? Or will you use the power responsibly and usher in a new era of human achievement?

5 Perdition

Perdition is a story roleplaying game about life on the frontier, specifically the American West. Characters are members of an extended family of settlers, staking their claim on the new land, while dealing with the fears of the unknown. Told over many years, the story Perdition is the story of prairie life… and its hardships. Bleak conditions take their toll on the settlers, leading to disease, starvation, and even death.

6 Chebyshev Function

Chebyshev Function is a story roleplaying game about teenagers with psionic powers — known as primes — who are chased by the government. Forced to live outside the convenience of modern life, the characters must “go underground” to protect themselves from those who would do them harm. As the story progresses, the teenagers find themselves face to face with very real dangers that will test them, their friendships, and their will to live.

7 Devil’s Highway

Devil’s Highway is a story roleplaying game in which players take on the roles of bikers in a “motorcycle club.” Living just beyond the reach of the law, the bikers are involved in drugs, gun running, theft, and general lawlessness. Recently there has been a change in leadership that has caused some concerns for the club, both internally and externally.

8 Coyote

Coyote is a story roleplaying game about about immigrants being smuggled into a new nation of opportunity. This game deals with themes of prejudice and segregation, while shining a light on work ethics and cultural division. Though the game is designed to take place in an industrialized society, it also has flexibility for fantasy or science fiction settings.

9 Calendar Man

Calendar Man is a story roleplaying game about a serial killer who cannot be caught. Mimicking films like Zodiac, Seven, Suspect Zero, and Silence of the Lambs, the murders are dark and ghastly, challenging everyone, police and journalists alike. In the end, can anyone solve the murders or does the Calendar Man walk away free?

10 Eons

Eons is a story roleplaying game about inexplicable horror and marginal science. Players take on the roles of fringecraft investigators, journalist, scientists, and theorists. Exploring nearly random events, the characters must piece together random occurrences and decipher hidden secrets to stop horrors beyond the veil from corrupting our world.

11 Dinner Guests

Dinner Guests is a story roleplaying game about a dinner party that turns to murder. Done in the style of Agatha Christie, Murder by Death, and Clue, the Dinner Guest is a funny romp through a dinner, murder, and resolution. Will you be the aging British Lord with too much time on his hands, looking for excitement? Are you the spoiled niece who wants the inheritance all to herself? Or perhaps you’ll play the confused house guest, way over your head in someone else’s scheme?

12 Five Broken Swords

Five Broken Swords is a story roleplaying game about adventurers in a fantasy world on a long and unfulfilled quest. The quest has dragged on for years. The adventurers are old, tired, and ready to give up. But maybe the fabled relic lies in the next dungeon up ahead. Each adventurer has a secret reason for being on the quest, which could usurp the journey. In the end, will you fail together? Succeed alone?

13 Nacht Engel

Nacht Engel is a story roleplaying game about jealous and paranoid authors living under oppresive totalitarian conditions, while selfishly guarding the secrets of their work. With only a few manifestos and state-sponsered works bearing their name, they must convince the others they have written great works of art that push boundaries, while avoiding imprisonment or death.

14 Moonmen from Mars

Moonmen from Mars is a story roleplaying game about the futuristic Moonmen who have invaded World-Earth airspace and intend to ravage our planet with their Mars ray beams. Earth is suffering. Our cities have been leveled and Earth Capital is on fire. But we shall prevail! The cosmonauts of Earth Justice will not sit idly. The World-President has issued a decree to all able-bodied men and women. Grab your graviton boots and you laser-rods and join the fight to the sky. Earth needs you. Will you heed the call?

15 Virtuax

Virtuax is a story roleplaying game about the virtual world that has manifested as reality. A mathematical error causes the virtual world to unravel and it is only a matter of time before it erases itself. Characters are self-actualized programs and programmers seeking out the source of the anomaly, to shut it down before the entire system crashed. Weird and abstract game play.

16 The Plague

The Plague is a story roleplaying game about a nationwide flu that wipes out a considerable portion of the population overnight. Characters must hold up indoors until the CDC gives the all clear. But as each day passes, resources dwindle, insolation turns to fear, and paranoia sets in. Can you hold out until help comes?

17 Skyrise

Skyrise is a story roleplaying game about poverty in 1970s Chicago. Characters are tenants living in a decaying skyrise, watching as their neighbors move away, week after week. It's only a matter of time before drugs, crime, and the brutality of daily life drive you out as well.

18 George’s Children

George’s Children is a story roleplaying game about children in a post apocalyptic world, based on my previous work of a game of the same name. In this protocol version, the characters are children undertaking the task of finding George, the last rumored adult to still be alive. Will they find him? Or is the future truly dead?

19 Zombieskin

Zombieskin is a story roleplaying game about mutants and zombies at the end of the world. Players take on the roles of characters with genetic mutations using their powers to fight off the zombie hordes. But each use of their power brings them one step closer to becoming zombies themselves…

20 Le Carnvial

Le Carnival is a story roleplaying game about the freaks of a carnival during the era of the Great Depression. The Carnival travels the backroads of the Midwest farm belt and the Southern states, visiting towns far off the beaten trail. Characters hopelessly seek a degree of familiarity, clinging to the idea that somehow the Carnival is family. In fact, the "Brotherhood" of the Carnival is based only on who earns the most for the ringmaster, creating a twisted sense of meritocracy. The only true currency: fleecing the unaware marks in the uneducated reaches of America.

21 Upir Gaunt

Upir Gaunt is a story roleplaying game about vampires in the modern world. No, not the sparkly kind. After ages of slumber, a small Haven of vampires have waken into a world of technology and splender, unaware of what has happened, but hungry nonetheless. Will they work with one another to survive, or turn on one another for power.

22 Ship Lantern

Ship Lanterns is a story roleplaying game of the river spirit of a Southeast Asian village that has awakened in the dead of night to grant the children their wishes. Characters take on the roles of children, having their wishes granted and dealing with the results of their unchecked power.

23 The Offspring

The Offspring is a story roleplaying game about angels, fighting to save the world from the Nephilim. The game is designed to be played in conjunction with Born from Hate.

24 Born from Hate

Born from Hate is a story roleplaying game about demons, condemning, destroying, and seducing mortal souls while the angels wage their private war. The game is designed to be played in conjunction with The Offspring.

25 $6,000 Movie

A B-Movie is finally released after years of waiting on the shelf. But portions of the film are damaged from storage and other parts are just unwatchable. What is edited together may not make its money back.

Комментарии [4]

Написал Assassin - 09:18 24 декабря 2013
1 Home
2 Black Site
3 Joan of Arc
7 Devil’s Highway
9 Calendar Man
10 Eons
16 The Plague
20 Le Carnvial
25 $6,000 Movie

Идеи доставили, особенно жду smile.gif

Написал casper_MALK_ - 14:47 01 января 2014
Отправил первые 15 игр всем приобщённым.
Если кто то не получил или ещё какие то проблемы - пишите, разберёмся.

Написал Четвертак - 01:23 02 января 2014
Можно вывесить в другом файлохранилище?
В этом требует регистрации в соц. сетях, чтоб скачать.

Написал Ронин - 11:07 02 января 2014
Четвертак, разве это не твой акк? http://vk.com/id175423818

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