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Дневники: IC-Oddish -> Someone and V's In My Head
03 апреля 2009
 10:01   I just like those guys
О пользе арбалетов:

- If only it were so awesome like that, though I prefer the longbow myself.

- For lab/office use?
At close quarters, you should prefer the relative maneuverability, shorter draw, and ability to fire around corners that a crossbow provides. For example, if you need to overturn a desk and take cover behind it, you can still load and fire most crossbows while not exposing yourself. An experienced worker knows this is critical in an any office based combat.

Zombies is the cleanest fit for a crossbow and arcane experimentation. Guns attract more of them and close combat is needlessly risky/accomplishable with improvised or common gear. A crossbow would be a clear leg up in terms of surviving a zombie apocalypse. Likewise bolts are recoverable or craftable and replacement strings weigh far less than bullets. You lose out on rate of fire clearly but if you need it you're probably already in deep trouble.

Other possibility include vampires, 4 dimensional entities (for pinning them to objects), apple headed shamblers, and things capable of manipulating electromagnetic fields.

Raptors on the otherhand would be utterly foolish to take on with a crossbow. They move in packs. You gain no stealth benefit and the reload time would be almost inevitably fatal.

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