Результаты лиги Path of Devastation : Broken Roads
Правила второго сезона - http://files.privateerpress.com/op/pathofd...on_Rules_S2.pdf
Таблица начисления игровых баллов и баллов хобби:
• Cygnar – Trencher Master Gunner
• Protectorate – Reclaimer
• Khador – Widowmaker Marksman
• Cryx – Iron Lich Overseer
• Retribution – House Shyeel Artificer
• Convergence – Enigma Foundry
• Mercenaries – Sea Dog Rifleman
• Trollbloods – Trollkin Skinner
• Circle – Tharn Ravager White Mane
• Skorne – Extoller Soulward
• Legion – Beast Mistress
• Minions – Thrullg
Milestone 1: Titan Slayer
Destroy or remove from play an enemy colossal or gargantuan with an attack made by your Hero.
Bonus: 3 XP
Milestone 2: Fierce Defender
Control a zone or flag with only your Hero for two consecutive turns.
Bonus: 3 XP
Milestone 3: Shadow Hunter
Destroy an enemy Hero with an attack made by your fully painted Hero.
Bonus: 3 XP
Milestone 4: Decorated Veteran
Convert your Hero model to represent three or more of the Upgrades you have purchased.
Bonus: 5 XP
Milestone 5: Highwaymen
Create a piece of terrain that features bandits (any Privateer Press models you like) waiting in ambush.
Bonus: 5 XP
Milestone 6: Tyranny
Challenge a player to a game in which they choose which warcaster or warlock you use, and win the game. Your opponent must choose a warcaster or warlock you own in the Faction you are currently playing.
Bonus: 3 XP
Участники :
1) Талисман, Тролли
2) Берс, Сигнар
3) Сигни, Орборос
4) Зубр, Сигнар
5) Андроид, ПМ
6) Мастер, гномы
7) ThRash, Хадор
8) Фесс, Сигнар
Заявки на покрас:
Сигни :
Small base:
Reeve hunter
Lord assassin morghoul
Lanyssa Ryssyll
Una falconer
Wolfs of orboross unit 10
Medium base:
Tharn ravager white mane__________________покрашено
Tyrant xerxis
Cyclope raider
Basilisk drake
Large base:
Rip horn satyr__________________покрашено
Swamp horror
Talisman :
Medium base:
Lord_BERS :
Small Base :
Farrow Bone Grinders unit (5 models)__________________покрашено
Farrow Slaughterhousers unit (6 models)
Saxon Orrik__________________покрашено
Kaya the Moonhunter
Blackclad Wayfarer
Druid of Orboros Overseer
Kaya the Wildborne
Commander Coleman Stryker__________________покрашено
Captain Arlan Strangewayes__________________покрашено
Stormsmith Stormcaller__________________покрашено
Stormsmith Stormcaller__________________покрашено
Stormsmith Stormcaller__________________покрашено
Trencher Master Gunner__________________покрашено
Long Gunner Infantry + attacnment unit (12 models)
Trencher Commandos + 3 weapons attachment (13 models)
General Adept Nemo
Medium Base :
Gatormen Posse unit (5 models)__________________покрашено
Warpborn Skinwalkers + attachment unit (6 models)
Large Base :
Blackhide Wrastler__________________покрашено
Ironback Spitter__________________покрашено
Tempest Blazers unit (5 models)__________________покрашено
Фесс :
Small Base :
Small Base:
hierofant - 2 штуки
exemplar eppant seneshal
vassal of menoth
rupert karvollo
exemplar errants(10models)
choir of menoth(4models)
winterguard infantry(10models) & 3 rocketeers__________________покрашено (мин)
medium base:
Redeemer - 2 штуки__________________покрашено 1шт.
large base:
Vanquiser - 2 штуки__________________покрашено 1шт.
Итоги :
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