John Dalton
Вторник, 16th Ноябрь 2010, 17:37
Чтобы Аксел не расслаблялся
, приведу список требований к принцу, выложенный на новом сайте VEKN:
A VEKN Prince is required to do the following:
1. Make himself familiar with the game. He has to have a good knowledge of the rules and be an active player himself.
2. Organise regular play in his domain. Best are weekly gaming nights at a store or a public location, but any method is acceptable. Players should be made aware of the gaming sessions.
3. Keep his players informed about current errata, rulings and clarifactions, as well as news about expansions, events, etc. A mailing list of some kind greatly helps here. Other Princes in the vicinity may be of help here too.
4. Organise tournaments on a more or less regular basis, or find someone who does for him. For these tournaments the VEKN Tournament Rules and Rating System are to be used. In some cases there might be too few players in a city to organise a tournament, the prince should then focus on demo-games. This in no way prohibits a player from becoming prince of his particular city.
5. Apply for sanctioning with VEKN when planning tournaments.
Sanctioned tournaments require the use of the most recent VEKN Tournament Rules and erratas and rulings from VEKN's official NetRep L. Scott Johnson (LSJ).
6. Make a list of planned activites in his city so that it can be displayed in appropriate ways.
7. See to it that players in his city enter themselves into the VEKN VTES-player database. Princes should elect Primogen; they help the prince in handling the citiy’s affairs. The VEKN will make sure that other princes in the given geographical area take advantage of the information you provide.
8. Promote VTES in every way possible, this may be through advertising, demo-playing, tournaments, or whatever way the Prince deems suitable. Especially demo-ing is a key to spreading the game. A Prince should always have a number of easy-to-play sample decks with him.
9. Act as a contact where new players can go to when in search for other players, cards to trade, or general information about VTES. Answer rules-questions from new players, and help them through their first steps.
Если он захочет и сможет соответствовать, всегда готов оказать всяческую поддержку.