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17:39 - КАК ПРЁТ
Gave up trying to figure out my head got lost along the way
Worn out from giving it up my soul I pissed it all away
Still stings these shattered nerves
Pigs we get what pigs deserve
Im going all the way down Im leaving today
Come come come on youve gotta fill me up
Come come gotta let me inside of you
Come come come on youre gotta fix me up
Come come gotta let me inside of you
Still feel it all slipping away but it doesnt matter anymore
Everybodys still chipping away but it doesnt matter anymore
Look through these blackened eyes
Youll see ten thousand lies
My lips may promise but my heart is a whore
Come come come on youve gotta fill me up
Come come gotta let me inside of you
Come come come on youre gotta fix me up
Come come gotta let me get through to you
This isnt meant to last
This is for right now
I know its all getting away it comes to me as no surprise
I know whats coming to me is never going to arrive
Fresh blood through tired skin
New sweat to drown me in
Dress up this rotten carcass just to make it look alive
Come come come on youve gotta fill me up
Come come gotta let me inside of you
Come come come on youre gotta fix me up
Come come gotta let me get through to you
This isnt meant to last
This is for right now
I wish I could put the blame on you
I want you to make me
I want you to take me
I want you to break me
Then I want you to throw me away

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Рейтинг: 2.3   Голосов: 39
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