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> Announcing Duel Decks: Speed Vs. Cunning, новый дуэльник
post Среда, 2-oe Апреля 2014, 10:18
Сообщение #1

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"Racing across the blazing steppe, the wave of attackers crests the barren hills. Nothing can stop their reckless advance. These warriors live fast, fight hard, and strike terror into the hearts of those in their path. The scarred countryside seems abandoned. Then, suddenly, hidden fighters spring from ambush. The overconfident enemy recoils in surprise, outflanked and outsmarted. Who will prevail, the swift or the sly?"

Deck Design and Deck Development: Chris Millar and Sam Stoddard
Official Three-Letter Code: DDN
Twitter Hashtag: #MTGSVC
Languages Available: English, Japanese
Release Date: September 5, 2014
Magic Online Release Date: October 6, 2014
MSRP: $19.99

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