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> The Hunt For Illidan
post Суббота, 14-oe Июня 2008, 11:43
Сообщение #1

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Вы все наверное уже в курсе о новых героях демонов и двухсторонних абилок .Вот что сплыло с нового сета ещё:
Пет у мага
Типо тотемик кол
Interrupt target quest reward effect.
Маг научился интераптить почти всё smile.gif и ...
Ongoing: Brain Lock enters play with two frost counters.
If an opponent would draw a card, he skips drawing that card and you remove a frost counter instead. If none remain, destroy Brain Lock.
...полностью лишить противника дрова

И ещё эпик
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post Суббота, 14-oe Июня 2008, 21:05
Сообщение #2

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У мага появился пет О_о Надо сказать неплохой имхо.Такое чувство что скоро появится пет у варриора smile.gif Живой меч xDD
Да и вобщем пока что маговские карты радуют

Сообщение отредактировал NUTS - Воскресенье, 15-oe Июня 2008, 10:07
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post Пятница, 20-oe Июня 2008, 21:03
Сообщение #3

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Ashtongue Blade, 2, RoSh (Illidan-223U)
Weapon—Dagger, Melee (1), 1 ATK (Melee), 0 Strike
Loyal Hero Required
(Can't put this in your deck if your hero is a Traitor.)

Торонгил будет доволен smile.gif
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post Пятница, 20-oe Июня 2008, 21:40
Сообщение #4

грязный извращенец
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За 6 ресурсов 7/7 Elusive. Кондец. И это - коммон! Похожие впечатления у меня были после предрелизного взгляда на Nether Fracture...
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post Суббота, 21-oe Июня 2008, 11:39
Сообщение #5

The Judge
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Да вы лучше на квесты рарные новые посмотрите!

During your turn, pay (3) to complete this quest.
Reward: put a Bird ally token named Skywing with 1ATK/1 health into play. At the start of your next turn, it has +3/+3 and is an Arakkoa.

Круть полная! Просто замечательно будет играть в любой колоде с Gift'ом. Особенно с большим количеством протекторов.

Minions of the Shadow Council
When an opposing ally is destroyed, put a corpse counter on Minions of the Shadow Council.
Remove all corpse counters and pay (3) to complete this quest.
Reward: If you removed three or more counters this way, draw three cards.

Это вообще дикая жесть. Правда, совершенно не работает, если у оппонента нет аликов sad.gif

The Lexicon Demonica
During your turn, pay (3) to complete this quest.
Reward: Turn all quests face down.

Сайдборд против ДЛа smile.gif
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post Суббота, 21-oe Июня 2008, 21:36
Сообщение #6

впавшая в состояние берсеркера саблезубая мышь
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Minions of the Shadow Council

если играерь ордой то 1 раз сработает (барашков противнику квестами наделать и поубивать их
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post Воскресенье, 22-oe Июня 2008, 20:59
Сообщение #7

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Слава тебе господи россияне нашли спойлер нового сета ( Мой талант меня порадовал ) каму лень лучше не читать:

"Black Ice" Fizzlefreeze (ILLIDAN 1/252 U)
Hero - Alliance - Gnome Mage - Frost - Engineering, Tailoring
(1) , Flip Black Ice -> Black Ice deals 1 frost damage to target hero or ally. A character dealt damage this way can't attack this turn.
25 Health

Blaine Roberts (ILLIDAN 2/252 U)
Hero - Alliance - Human Warrior - Protection - Alchemy, Tailoring
(2) , Flip Blaine -> Destroy target armor or item.
30 Health

Durga Gravestone (ILLIDAN 3/252 U)
Hero - Alliance - Dwarf Rogue - Assassination - Alchemy, Jewel Crafting
(1) , Flip Durga, remove up to five Combo cards in your graveyard from the game -> Destroy target ally if its cost is less than or equal to the number of cards removed this way.
27 Health

Elumeria Wildershot (ILLIDAN 4/252 U)
Hero - Alliance - Night Elf Hunter - Beast Mastery - Alchemy, Jewel Crafting
(1) , Flip Elumeria -> Elumeria heals all damage from all of your Pets.
28 Health

Eriun Moonglow (ILLIDAN 5/252 U)
Hero - Alliance - Night Elf Druid - Balance - Mining, Jewel Crafting
(X) , Flip Eriun, shuffle X Balance ability cards from your graveyard into your deck -> Eriun deals X nature damage to target ally. Use only on your turn.
28 Health

Kamboozle, Bringer of Doom (ILLIDAN 6/252 U)
Hero - Alliance - Gnome Warlock - Affliction - Skinning, Jewel Crafting
(4) , Flip Kamboozle, put 2 damage on her -> Draw two cards.
28 Health

Marta Spires (ILLIDAN 7/252 U)
Hero - Alliance - Human Priest - Holy - Herbalism, Enchanting
(6) , Flip Marta -> Put target ally card from your graveyard into play if its cost is less than or equal to the number of resources you have. Use only on your turn.
26 Health

Vakeron (ILLIDAN 8/252 U)
Hero - Alliance - Draenei Paladin - Holy - Alchemy, Enchanting
(7) , Flip Vakeron -> Vakeron deals 2 unpreventable holy damage to each opposing hero and ally.
29 Health

Zaritha (ILLIDAN 9/252 U)
Hero - Alliance - Draenei Shaman - Restoration - Alchemy, Enchanting
(2) , Flip Zaritha -> Zaritha heals 5 damage from target hero or ally.
28 Health

Grindel Hellbringer (ILLIDAN 10/252 U)
Hero - Horde - Orc Warlock - Destruction - Alchemy, Jewel Crafting
(3) , Flip Grindel -> Grindel deals 1 fire damage to each hero and ally. Use only on your turn.
28 Health

Joren the Martyr (ILLIDAN 11/252 U)
Hero - Horde - Undead Priest - Discipline - Jewel Crafting, Tailoring
(2) , Flip Joren -> The next time target hero or ally would be dealt damage this turn, prevent it.
26 Health

Koth, Caller of the Hunt (ILLIDAN 12/252 U)
Hero - Horde - Orc Hunter - Marksmanship - Mining, Blacksmithing
(2) , Flip Koth -> Allies in your party have +1 ATK while in combat with target hero or ally this turn.
28 Health

Phosphus the Everburning (ILLIDAN 13/252 U)
Hero - Horde - Undead Mage - Fire - Engineering, Tailoring
(4) , Flip Phosphus -> Choose one: Phosphus deals 4 fire damage to target ally; or Phosphus deals 2 fire damage to each of two target allies. Use only on your turn.
25 Health

Ravenna (ILLIDAN 14/252 U)
Hero - Horde - Blood Elf Rogue - Subtlety - Mining, Alchemy
Flip Ravenna -> Target ally in your party has stealth this turn.
27 Health

Ringleader Kuma (ILLIDAN 15/252 U)
Hero - Horde - Tauren Shaman - Enhancement - Skinning, Leatherworking
(4) , Flip Kuma -> Heroes and allies in your party have +2 ATK while attacking heroes this turn.
29 Health

Tahanu Brinkrunner (ILLIDAN 16/252 U)
Hero - Horde - Tauren Druid - Restoration - Enchanting, Jewel Crafting
(4) , Flip Tahanu -> Put target ally card from your graveyard into hand.
28 Health

Valterus (ILLIDAN 17/252 U)
Hero - Horde - Blood Elf Paladin - Protection - Skinning, Alchemy
(3) , Flip Valterus -> Target friendly hero or ally is untargetable this turn.
29 Health

Warmaster Bo'jo (ILLIDAN 18/252 U)
Hero - Horde - Troll Warrior - Arms - Alchemy, Jewel Crafting
(2) , Flip Bo'jo -> Bo'jo has +2 ATK while attacking this turn.
30 Health

Kurzon the False (ILLIDAN 19/252 U)
Hero - Alliance - Eredar Demon
(1) , Put three allies from your party into their owners' hands Flip Kurzon face down.
Back: allies in your party are elusive.
28 Health

Famish the Binder (ILLIDAN 20/252 U)
Hero - Horde - Dreadlord Demon
(3) , Destroy three allies in your party Flip Famish face down.
allies in your party have ferocity.
28 Health

Imp Lord Pinprik (ILLIDAN 21/252 U)
Hero - Imp Demon
Deckbuilding: You can include only neutral quests, any abilities that deal fire damage, and any allies. You can’t include cards with reputation or text restrictions (like Fire Hero Required).
8 Health

Mother Misery (ILLIDAN 22/252 U)
Hero - Shivan Demon
Sextuple Wield (Can have up to six hands of Melee weapons and can strike with any number of them during the same combat.)
Deckbuilding: You can include only neutral quests and any Melee weapons. You can’t include cards with reputation or text restrictions (like Fire Hero Required).
30 Health

Obliveron (ILLIDAN 23/252 U)
Hero - Pit Lord Demon
You can have any number of Pets.
Deckbuilding: You can include only neutral quests, any Traitor cards, and any Demon allies. You can’t include cards with reputation or other text restrictions (like Fire Hero Required).
25 Health

Xia, Queen of Suffering (ILLIDAN 24/252 U)
Hero - Succubus Demon
Flip Xia Gain control of target ally. Use only on your turn.
Deckbuilding: You can include only neutral quests, any abilities, and any allies with ally type Warlock. You can’t include cards with reputation or text restrictions (like Fire Hero Required).
20 Health

Brace or Mace (ILLIDAN 25/252 U)
(1) - Druid
Instant Ability - Restoration
Choose one: Your hero heals 4 damage from target hero; or attach to target ally.
Ongoing: Attached ally has +1 ATK / +1 health.

Energize (ILLIDAN 26/252 C)
(3) - Druid
Instant Ability - Restoration
Target player draws two cards.

Feral Energy (ILLIDAN 27/252 R)
(2) - Druid
Ability - Feral Combat
Ongoing: While in cat form, when your hero deals combat damage to a defending hero, you may pay (1) . If you do, its controller discards a card.

Ferociousness (ILLIDAN 28/252 C)
(1) - Druid
Instant Ability - Feral Combat – Form (1)
Ongoing: When your hero protects, draw a card.
Your hero is in bear form. (Is a protector. Destroy this card when you strike with a weapon or play a non-Feral ability.)

Furor (ILLIDAN 29/252 R)
(3) - Druid
Ability - Restoration Talent
Restoration Hero Required
Ongoing: When you play a Form, you may ready up to X of your resources, where X is its cost.

Insect Swarm (ILLIDAN 30/252 R)
(1) - Druid
Ability - Balance Talent
Balance Hero Required
Attach to target hero or ally, and your hero deals 2 nature damage to it.
Ongoing: Attached character has -2 ATK.

Rebirth (ILLIDAN 31/252 U)
(5) - Druid
Instant Ability - Restoration
Put target ally card from your graveyard into play if its cost is less than or equal to the number of resources you have.

Rotten to the Spore (ILLIDAN 32/252 R)
(5) - Druid
Ability - Balance
Exhaust any number of target allies in target opponent's party.
Ongoing: Each of them can't ready during its controller's ready step.

Stormfire (ILLIDAN 33/252 C)
(3) - Druid
Ability - Balance
Your hero deals 3 arcane damage to target hero or ally.
Draw a card.

Typhoon (ILLIDAN 34/252 U)
(4) - Druid
Ability - Balance
Ongoing: Typhoon enters play with two wind counters.
Opposing heroes and allies can't attack or protect.
At the start of your turn, remove a wind counter. If none remain, destroy Typhoon.

Bait the Trap (ILLIDAN 35/252 U)
(2) - Hunter
Instant Ability - Survival
Ongoing: Trap cards in your hand also have “You may exhaust a defending ally in your party rather than pay this card’s cost.”

The Beast Within (ILLIDAN 36/252 R)
(1) - Hunter
Instant Ability - Beast Mastery Talent
Beast Mastery Hero Required
While you have a Pet this turn, prevent all damage that your hero would be dealt, and your hero has +3 ATK.

Ice Trap (ILLIDAN 37/252 C)
(4) - Hunter
Instant Ability - Survival
Trap (You may exhaust your defending hero rather than pay this card's cost.)
Your hero deals 3 frost damage to target attacker. Remove a character dealt damage this way from combat.

Patient Shot (ILLIDAN 38/252 C)
(3) - Hunter
Ability - Marksmanship
Ongoing: Your hero has "Tap -> This hero deals 1 ranged damage to target hero or ally."

Shadow (ILLIDAN 39/252 C)
(6) - Neutral
Ally - Panther Hunter Pet (1)
Elusive (Can't be attacked.)
7 Melee Damage
Health: 7

Stable Master (ILLIDAN 40/252 U)
(1) - Hunter
Ability - Beast Mastery
Ongoing: You can have an additional Pet.

Trueshot Aura (ILLIDAN 41/252 R)
(4) - Hunter
Ability - Marksmanship Talent – Aura (1)
Marksmanship Hero Required
Ongoing: Ranged allies in your party have +2 ATK while attacking.
Your Ranged weapons have +2 ATK while your hero is attacking.
If your hero would deal ranged damage with an ability, it deals that much +2 instead.

Viper Sting (ILLIDAN 42/252 R)
(4) - Hunter
Instant Ability - Marksmanship
Attach to target hero.
Ongoing: At the start of attached hero's controller's turn, he exhausts one of his resources, or two if you have a Ranged weapon.

Webster (ILLIDAN 43/252 R)
(3) - Neutral
Ally - Spider Hunter Pet (1)
At the end of your turn, you may put a web counter on target ally.
Allies with a web counter can't attack.
When Webster leaves play, remove all web counters from opposing allies.
4 Nature Damage
Health: 3

Wipe or Snipe (ILLIDAN 44/252 U)
(3) - Hunter
Instant Ability - Marksmanship
Choose one: Your hero deals 1 ranged damage to each of up to three target heroes and/or allies; or attach to target ally.
Ongoing: Attached ally has long-range.

Arcane Research (ILLIDAN 45/252 C)
(3) - Mage
Ability - Arcane
You pay (1) less to play Arcane Research for each other card named Arcane Research in your graveyard.
Draw two cards.

Astral Grief (ILLIDAN 46/252 C)
(1) - Mage
Instant Ability - Arcane
Interrupt target quest reward effect.

Blast Wave (ILLIDAN 47/252 R)
(2) - Mage
Ability - Fire Talent
Fire Hero Required
Your hero deals 2 fire damage to each opposing hero and ally. A character dealt damage this way can't protect this turn.

Brain Lock (ILLIDAN 48/252 C)
(4) - Mage
Ability - Frost
Ongoing: Brain Lock enters play with two frost counters.
If an opponent would draw a card, he skips drawing that card and you remove a frost counter instead. If none remain, destroy Brain Lock.

Flickers from the Past (ILLIDAN 49/252 R)
(7) - Mage
Ability - Arcane
Put any number of target ongoing ability cards from your graveyard into play if their combined cost is less than or equal to the number of resources you have.

Mage Armor (ILLIDAN 50/252 U)
(3) - Mage
Ability - Arcane
Ongoing: (1) , Remove an ability card in your graveyard from the game -> Prevent the next 2 damage that your hero would be dealt this turn.

The More, the Scarier (ILLIDAN 51/252 R)
(20) - Mage
Ability - Fire
Your hero deals X fire damage to each of X target allies.

Smoke or Croak (ILLIDAN 52/252 U)
(3) - Mage
Ability - Fire/Arcane
Choose one: Your hero deals 3 fire damage to target hero; or attach to target ally.
Ongoing: Attached ally can't attack or protect, loses and can't have powers, and is also a Frog.

Supernova (ILLIDAN 53/252 U)
(5) - Mage
Ability - Fire
As an additional cost to play, destroy all of your resources.
Your hero deals fire damage to target hero equal to the number of resources destroyed this way.

Water Elemental (ILLIDAN 54/252 R)
(3) - Neutral
Ally – Elemental Mage Pet (1) Talent
Frost Hero Required
Tap -> Water Elemental deals 1 frost damage to each opposing hero and ally. A character dealt damage this way can't attack this turn.
3 Frost Damage
Health: 4

Blessing of Salvation (ILLIDAN 55/252 U)
(1) - Paladin
Instant Ability - Protection - Blessing
Ongoing: When Blessing of Salvation enters play, choose a friendly player.
That player is untargetable.

Blessing of Sanctuary (ILLIDAN 56/252 R)
(2) - Paladin
Instant Ability - Protection Talent - Blessing
Protection Hero Required
Attach to target hero or ally.
Ongoing: Prevent all combat damage that attached character would be dealt. When damage that an attacking ally would deal is prevented this way, destroy that ally.
At end of turn, destroy Blessing of Sanctuary.

Crusader's Sweep (ILLIDAN 57/252 C)
(3) - Paladin
Instant Ability - Holy
Your hero deals 1 unpreventable holy damage to each opposing hero and ally.

Divine Plea (ILLIDAN 58/252 R)
(4) - Paladin
Ability - Holy
If you control an Aura, your hero deals 2 unpreventable holy damage to each opposing hero and ally.
If you control a Blessing, draw two cards.
If you control a Seal, ready your hero and all of your weapons.

Exemplar's Shield (ILLIDAN 59/252 U)
(1) - Paladin
Instant Ability - Protection
Attach to target ally.
Ongoing: Attached ally has +X health, where X is the highest DEF among your armor.

Full Circle (ILLIDAN 60/252 R)
(7) - Paladin
Ability - Holy
You may discard an ally card. If you do, put a second target ally card from your graveyard into play, then put a third target ally from your party into its owner's hand.

Holy Shock (ILLIDAN 61/252 R)
(3) - Paladin
Instant Ability - Holy Talent
Holy Hero Required
Prevent the next 4 damage that target friendly hero or ally would be dealt this turn.
Your hero deals 4 unpreventable holy damage to target opposing hero or ally.

Righteousness Aura (ILLIDAN 62/252 C)
(4) - Paladin
Ability - Retribution – Aura (1)
Ongoing: If a hero or ally in your party would deal damage, it deals that much +1 instead.

Seal of Retribution (ILLIDAN 63/252 C)
(3) - Paladin
Instant Ability - Retribution – Seal (1)
Ongoing: When your hero deals combat damage with a weapon, you may destroy target ally that attacked this turn.
(1) , Destroy Seal of Retribution Destroy target ally that attacked this turn.

Shield or Wield (ILLIDAN 64/252 U)
(2) - Paladin
Instant Ability - Protection/Retribution
Choose one: Prevent the next 3 damage that target ally would be dealt this turn; or attach to target hero.
Ongoing: Attached hero has +1 ATK while attacking.

Circle of Healing (ILLIDAN 65/252 R)
(3) - Priest
Instant Ability - Holy Talent
Holy Hero Required
Your hero heals 10 damage from each friendly hero and ally.

Divine Spirit (ILLIDAN 66/252 R)
(5) - Priest
Ability - Discipline Talent
Discipline Hero Required
Ongoing: Tap -> Draw a card, or ready up to three of your resources.

Equal Opportunity (ILLIDAN 67/252 C)
(2) - Priest
Instant Ability - Discipline
Each player puts an ally from his party into its owner's hand.

Faces from the Past (ILLIDAN 68/252 R)
(7) - Priest
Ability - Holy
Put any number of target ally cards from your graveyard into play if their combined cost is less than or equal to the number of resources you have.

Lesser Heal (ILLIDAN 69/252 C)
(0) - Priest
Instant Ability - Holy
Your hero heals 3 damage from target hero or ally.

Levitate (ILLIDAN 70/252 C)
(1) - Priest
Ability - Discipline
Ongoing: At the start of each opponent's turn, that opponent chooses an ally in his party. That ally can't attack this turn.

Mana Burst (ILLIDAN 71/252 U)
(4) - Priest
Ability - Discipline
Ready all of target opponent's exhausted resources. Your hero deals 1 shadow damage to his hero for each resource readied this way.

Mindflip (ILLIDAN 72/252 R)
(3) - Priest
Ability - Shadow
You may choose an ally in your party and have target player gain control of it. If you do, gain control of target ally in his party.

Shadow Word: Agony (ILLIDAN 73/252 U)
(3) - Priest
Ability - Shadow
Attach to target hero.
Ongoing: At the start of your turn, attached hero's controller discards a card.

Woe or Grow (ILLIDAN 74/252 U)
(2) - Priest
Instant Ability - Holy/Discipline
Choose one: Your hero deals 2 unpreventable holy damage to target ally; or attach to target ally.
Ongoing: Attached ally has +2 health.

Dirty Work (ILLIDAN 75/252 R)
(2) - Rogue
Ability - Combat
Ongoing: If your hero would deal non-combat damage, it deals combat damage instead.

Disassemble (ILLIDAN 76/252 C)
(1) - Rogue
Instant Ability - Combat - combo
Destroy target exhausted equipment.

Feint (ILLIDAN 77/252 C)
(0) - Rogue
Instant Ability - Combat
Remove target attacker from combat.

Fight or Blight (ILLIDAN 78/252 U)
(1) - Rogue
Instant Ability - Subtlety - Poison
Choose one: Target hero has stealth this turn; or attach to target hero or ally that your hero dealt combat damage to this turn.
Ongoing: At the start of your turn, your hero deals 1 nature damage to attached character.

Knock Out (ILLIDAN 79/252 U)
(3) - Rogue
Ability - Assassination
Destroy target quest.

Massacre (ILLIDAN 80/252 U)
(3) - Rogue
Ability - Assassination – Finishing Move
As an additional cost to play, remove up to five Combo cards in your graveyard from the game.
Destroy X target exhausted allies, where X is the number of cards removed this way.

Overkill (ILLIDAN 81/252 R)
(5) - Rogue
Ability - Assassination – Finishing Move
As an additional cost to play, remove up to five Finishing Move cards in your graveyard from the game.
Each opponent destroys that many of his equipment and discards that many cards, and your hero deals that much melee damage to each opposing hero and ally.

Sap (ILLIDAN 82/252 C)
(1) - Rogue
Ability - Subtlety
Attach to target hero or ally and exhaust it.
Ongoing: Attached character can't ready during its controller's ready step.
When attached character is dealt damage, destroy Sap.

Shadowstep (ILLIDAN 83/252 R)
(1) - Rogue
Instant Ability - Subtlety Talent
Subtlety Hero Required
Ongoing: Ready opposing heroes and allies also count as being exhausted. (They are still ready.)

Vigor (ILLIDAN 84/252 R)
(2) - Rogue
Ability - Assassination Talent
Assassination Hero Required
Put Vigor into your resource row face down and ready.

Crackling Purge (ILLIDAN 85/252 U)
(1) - Shaman
Ability - Elemental
Destroy target ability. If it wasn't attached to a friendly hero or ally, your hero may deal nature damage to its controller's hero equal to its cost.

Exemplar's Blades (ILLIDAN 86/252 U)
(1) - Shaman
Instant Ability - Enhancement
Attach to target ally.
Ongoing: Attached ally has +X ATK, where X is the highest ATK among your Melee weapons.

Far Sight (ILLIDAN 87/252 C)
(1) - Shaman
Ability - Enhancement
Look at the top five cards of your deck. Choose one, shuffle the rest into your deck, then put that card on top.

Gifts from the Past (ILLIDAN 88/252 R)
(7) - Shaman
Ability - Enhancement
Put any number of target equipment cards from your graveyard into play if their combined cost is less than or equal to the number of resources you have.

Lightning Arc (ILLIDAN 89/252 C)
(2) - Shaman
Ability - Elemental
Your hero deals 3 nature damage divided as you choose to any number of target heroes and/or allies.

Magma Totem (ILLIDAN 90/252 C)
(3) - Shaman
Instant Ability - Elemental – Fire Totem (1)
Ongoing: At the start of your turn, Magma Totem deals 1 fire damage to each opposing hero and ally.
(Totems can be attacked or targeted like allies.)
Health: 1

Mend or End (ILLIDAN 91/252 U)
(2) - Shaman
Instant Ability - Restoration/Enhancement
Choose one: Your hero heals 5 damage from target ally; or attach to one of your Melee weapons.
Ongoing: Attached weapon has +2 ATK.

Raise from the Ashes (ILLIDAN 92/252 R)
(3) - Shaman
Instant Ability - Restoration
As an additional cost to play, destroy an ally in your party.
Search your deck for a card with the same name as that ally and put it into play.

Spirit Weapons (ILLIDAN 93/252 R)
(3) - Shaman
Ability - Enhancement Talent
Enhancement Hero Required
Ongoing: Tap -> Target hero or ally has -X ATK this turn, where X is the combined ATK of your Melee weapons.

Totemic Mastery (ILLIDAN 94/252 R)
(1) - Shaman
Instant Ability - Restoration Talent
Restoration Hero Required
Ongoing: Your Totems have +3 health.

Aftermath (ILLIDAN 95/252 R)
(2) - Warlock
Instant Ability - Destruction Talent
Destruction Hero Required
Ongoing: When you play an ability, you may exhaust target hero or ally.

Clinging Curse (ILLIDAN 96/252 C)
(1) - Warlock
Instant Ability - Affliction - Curse
Attach to target hero or ally.
Ongoing: Untargetable
At the start of your turn, your hero deals 1 shadow damage to attached character.

Crush Soul (ILLIDAN 97/252 C)
(2) - Warlock
Instant Ability - Destruction
Interrupt target ally card. If you do, remove it from the game and put damage on your hero equal to that card's ATK.

Curse of Exhaustion (ILLIDAN 98/252 R)
(9) - Warlock
Ability - Affliction Talent - Curse
Affliction Hero Required
Target player skips his next turn.

Demon Armor (ILLIDAN 99/252 U)
(5) - Warlock
Ability - Demonology
Ongoing: (1) , Remove an ability card in your graveyard from the game -> Your hero heals 2 damage from itself.

Enslave Demon (ILLIDAN 100/252 U)
(2) - Warlock
Ability - Demonology
Attach to target Demon ally.
Ongoing: You control attached ally.

Rain or Pain (ILLIDAN 101/252 U)
(3) - Warlock
Ability - Destruction/Affliction
Choose one: At the end of this turn, your hero deals 1 fire damage to each opposing ally; or attach to target ally.
Ongoing: At the start of your turn, your hero deals 3 shadow damage to attached ally.

Sarlia (ILLIDAN 102/252 R)
(6) - Neutral
Ally - Succubus DemonWarlock Pet (1)
(1) -> Other allies in your party are elusive this turn.
5 Shadow Damage
Health: 7

Velnoth (ILLIDAN 103/252 C)
(2) - Neutral
Ally - Voidwalker DemonWarlock Pet (1)
Velnoth can protect your hero.
(2) -> Velnoth heals all damage from himself.
1 Melee Damage
Health: 4

Vicious Circle (ILLIDAN 104/252 R)
(7) - Warlock
Ability - Demonology
You may put an ally card from your hand into play. If you do, destroy a second target ally in your party, then put a third target ally card from your graveyard into hand.

Disarm (ILLIDAN 105/252 C)
(1) - Warrior
Ability - Protection
Destroy all of target player's weapons.

Duty Bound (ILLIDAN 106/252 U)
(2) - Warrior
Ability - Protection
Ongoing: Your hero is a protector.
When your hero protects, ready it.

Finishing Shout (ILLIDAN 107/252 U)
(5) - Warrior
Instant Ability - Fury - Shout
Ongoing: Allies in your party have +1 ATK / +1 health.
Opposing allies have -1 ATK / -1 health.

Infuriate (ILLIDAN 108/252 R)
(4) - Warrior
Ability - Fury
Ongoing: When your hero is dealt combat damage, ready up to that many of your resources.

Pummel (ILLIDAN 109/252 R)
(3) - Warrior
Instant Ability - Fury
You may exhaust one of your Melee weapons rather than pay Pummel's cost.
Interrupt target ability card.

Slay or Stay (ILLIDAN 110/252 U)
(1) - Warrior
Ability - Fury/Protection
Choose one: Destroy target damaged ally; or attach to target ally.
Ongoing: Attached ally is a protector.

Sweeping Strikes (ILLIDAN 111/252 R)
(5) - Warrior
Ability - Arms Talent
Arms Hero Required
Ongoing: When your hero deals combat damage with a Melee weapon to an ally, it also deals that much melee damage to each other hero and ally in that ally's party.

Taste for Blood (ILLIDAN 112/252 C)
(2) - Warrior
Instant Ability - Fury
Draw a card for each damaged opposing hero and ally.

Taunting Blows (ILLIDAN 113/252 C)
(3) - Warrior
Instant Ability - Arms
Your hero deals 1 melee damage to each opposing hero and ally. This turn, characters dealt damage this way must attack if able and can attack only your hero if able.

Vitality (ILLIDAN 114/252 R)
(4) - Warrior
Ability - Protection Talent
Protection Hero Required
Ongoing: At the start of your turn, put a might counter on Vitality.
For each might counter, your hero has +1 ATK while attacking and +1 health.

Disco Inferno! (ILLIDAN 115/252 R)
Ongoing: At the end of your turn, ready all exhausted heroes and allies in your party, then exhaust all other heroes and allies in your party.

The Footsteps of Illidan (ILLIDAN 116/252 U)
Attach to target hero or ally.
Ongoing: Attached character is also a Demon.

Acolyte Kemistra (ILLIDAN 117/252 U)
(5) - Alliance
Ally - Human Warlock
(1) , Put 2 damage on Kemistra -> Draw a card.
3 Shadow Damage
Health: 7

Alamira Grovetender (ILLIDAN 118/252 C)
(1) - Alliance
Ally - Night Elf Druid
Nature Resistance (Prevent all nature [Nature] damage that this ally would be dealt.)
2 Nature Damage
Health: 1

Bimble Blackout (ILLIDAN 119/252 U)
(3) - Alliance
Ally - Gnome Warlock
When Bimble is removed from the game from anywhere, draw a card.
4 Shadow Damage
Health: 2

Brodien (ILLIDAN 120/252 U)
(4) - Alliance
Ally - Gnome Mage
As Brodien enters play, choose whether he is elusive or untargetable.
4 Fire Damage
Health: 4

Dashel Stonefist (ILLIDAN 121/252 U)
(1) - Alliance
Ally - Dwarf Rogue - Unique
Dashel can attack friendly heroes and allies (including other characters in your party).
1 Melee Damage
Health: 1

Defender Nagalaas (ILLIDAN 122/252 C)
(1) - Alliance
Ally - Draenei Warrior
Nagalaas has +2 ATK during each opponent's turn.
0 Melee Damage
Health: 3

Elaar (ILLIDAN 123/252 R)
(6) - Alliance
Ally - Draenei Priest
(2) , Tap -> Gain control of target ally.
1 Shadow Damage
Health: 7

First Responder Avaressa (ILLIDAN 124/252 C)
(3) - Alliance
Ally - Draenei Paladin
At the start of your turn, Avaressa heals 2 damage from target hero or ally.
1 Holy Damage
Health: 5

First Responder Margan (ILLIDAN 125/252 C)
(2) - Alliance
Ally - Draenei Mage
At the start of your turn, Margan heals 2 damage from target hero or ally.
2 Arcane Damage
Health: 1

Harnum Firebelly (ILLIDAN 126/252 C)
(3) - Alliance
Ally - Dwarf Priest
Frost Resistance (Prevent all frost [Frost] damage that this ally would be dealt.)
2 Holy Damage
Health: 4

High Instructor Campbell (ILLIDAN 127/252 R)
(4) - Alliance
Ally - Human Paladin
When Campbell enters play, you may put target Talent card from your graveyard into hand.
3 Melee Damage
Health: 3

Kathia the Quick (ILLIDAN 128/252 C)
(2) - Alliance
Ally - Night Elf Hunter
When Kathia becomes exhausted, she deals 1 ranged damage to target hero or ally.
1 Ranged Damage
Health: 3

Kindara Mindflayer (ILLIDAN 129/252 C)
(4) - Alliance
Ally - Draenei Priest
Kindara has +2 ATK / +2 health while an opposing hero is face up.
3 Shadow Damage
Health: 3

Kurdran Wildhammer (ILLIDAN 130/252 E)
(7) - Alliance
Ally - Dwarf Gryphon Rider - Unique
When Kurdran becomes exhausted, he may deal 4 nature damage to target hero or ally.
4 Ranged Damage
Health: 7

Liandra Rustshadow (ILLIDAN 131/252 C)
(5) - Alliance
Ally - Night Elf Rogue
Tap -> Destroy target armor or item.
4 Melee Damage
Health: 4

Lord Cindervein (ILLIDAN 132/252 C)
(3) - Alliance
Ally - Dwarf Paladin
At the end of your turn, you may put target ability into its owner's hand.
3 Holy Damage
Health: 3

Luumon (ILLIDAN 133/252 C)
(5) - Alliance
Ally - Draenei Shaman
Shadow Resistance (Prevent all shadow [Shadow] damage that this ally would be dealt.)
5 Fire Damage
Health: 5

Madison Alters (ILLIDAN 134/252 U)
(6) - Alliance
Ally - Human Mage
Madison has +1 ATK / +1 health for each hero in play.
3 Fire Damage
Health: 3

Master Marksman McGee (ILLIDAN 135/252 R)
(5) - Alliance
Ally - Dwarf Hunter
Ranged allies in your party have long-range.
5 Ranged Damage
Health: 4

Ol' Stonewall (ILLIDAN 136/252 C)
(2) - Alliance
Instant Ally - Dwarf Warrior
At the start of your turn, destroy Ol' Stonewall.
4 Melee Damage
Health: 4

Raena the Unpredictable (ILLIDAN 137/252 C)
(6) - Alliance
Ally - Night Elf Warrior
At the end of your turn, choose whether Raena is elusive or a protector until the end of your next turn.
5 Melee Damage
Health: 5

Ripley Spellfizzle (ILLIDAN 138/252 C)
(2) - Alliance
Ally - Gnome Rogue
Arcane Resistance (Prevent all arcane [Arcane] damage that this ally would be dealt.)
3 Nature Damage
Health: 2

"Scrapper" Ironbane (ILLIDAN 139/252 C)
(5) - Alliance
Ally - Dwarf Rogue
At the end of your turn, you may destroy target equipment.
3 Melee Damage
Health: 4

Spirit of Stormrage (ILLIDAN 140/252 E)
(9) - Alliance
Ally - Night Elf Druid - Unique
Tap -> Search your deck for a card and put it into hand.
0 Nature Damage
Health: 12

Talian Bladebender (ILLIDAN 141/252 C)
(3) - Alliance
Ally - Night Elf Warrior
Opponents can't strike with weapons.
2 Melee Damage
Health: 4

Wildwatcher Elandra (ILLIDAN 142/252 C)
(3) - Alliance
Ally - Night Elf Druid
When Elandra enters play, target player shuffles his graveyard into his deck.
3 Arcane Damage
Health: 3

Wimbly Tinkerton (ILLIDAN 143/252 U)
(4) - Alliance
Ally - Gnome Warrior
When Wimbly defends, draw a card.
2 Melee Damage
Health: 5

Zorus the Judicator (ILLIDAN 144/252 R)
(8 ) - Alliance
Ally - Draenei Paladin - Unique
Zorus can't be destroyed by fatal damage.
8 Holy Damage
Health: 1

Alecia Hall (ILLIDAN 145/252 C)
(2) - Horde
Ally - Undead Priest
When Alecia enters play, she heals 3 damage from target hero or ally.
2 Holy Damage
Health: 3

Blood Guard Gulmok (ILLIDAN 146/252 E)
(9) - Horde
Ally - Orc Warrior - Unique
When another Horde ally enters your party, you may destroy target ally.
8 Melee Damage
Health: 8

Blood Knight Kyria (ILLIDAN 147/252 C)
(3) - Horde
Ally - Blood Elf Paladin
When you play an ability, Kyria heals 4 damage from target hero or ally.
2 Holy Damage
Health: 3

Brok Bloodcaller (ILLIDAN 148/252 U)
(4) - Horde
Ally - Orc Hunter
At the end of your turn, destroy Brok if he's undamaged.
4 Ranged Damage
Health: 4

Chief Apothecary Hildagard (ILLIDAN 149/252 E)
(7) - Horde
Ally - Undead Warlock - Unique
When Hildagard deals combat damage to a hero, destroy that hero.
0 Shadow Damage
Health: 1

Dawn Ravensdale (ILLIDAN 150/252 C)
(5) - Horde
Ally - Undead Priest
When Dawn enters play, you may turn target face-down hero face up.
4 Holy Damage
Health: 4

“Deathgrip” Jones (ILLIDAN 151/252 C)
(4) - Horde
Ally - Undead Warrior
Your weapons can't be targeted by opponents.
3 Melee Damage
Health: 4

Elder Huntsman Swiftshot (ILLIDAN 152/252 R)
(4) - Horde
Ally - Tauren Hunter
When Swiftshot or another Ranged ally enters your party, it may deal 1 ranged damage to target hero or ally.
3 Ranged Damage
Health: 4

"Eyeball" Jones (ILLIDAN 153/252 U)
(1) - Horde
Ally - Undead Rogue
When Eyeball deals combat damage to a hero or ally, exhaust that character, and it can't ready during its controller's next ready step.
1 Melee Damage
Health: 2

Flame Bender Ta'jin (ILLIDAN 154/252 U)
(6) - Horde
Ally - Troll Mage
When Ta'jin enters play, gain control of target ability. If it's attached, you may reattach it.
4 Fire Damage
Health: 3

Forager Cloudbloom (ILLIDAN 155/252 U)
(1) - Horde
Ally - Tauren Druid
When Cloudbloom readies, draw a card.
1 Arcane Damage
Health: 1

Forager Hoofbeat (ILLIDAN 156/252 C)
(5) - Horde
Ally - Tauren Warrior
When Hoofbeat readies, draw a card.
3 Melee Damage
Health: 5

Illia the Bitter (ILLIDAN 157/252 C)
(5) - Horde
Ally - Blood Elf Hunter
Fire Resistance (Prevent all fire [Fire] damage that this ally would be dealt.)
6 Ranged Damage
Health: 4

Kaelos Sunscream (ILLIDAN 158/252 C)
(4) - Horde
Ally - Blood Elf Priest
(1) , Destroy another ally in your party -> Destroy target ability.
4 Holy Damage
Health: 4

Kam'pah (ILLIDAN 159/252 C)
(3) - Horde
Ally - Orc Warrior
Opponents can't place quests face up.
3 Melee Damage
Health: 3

Lu'ka de Wall (ILLIDAN 160/252 C)
(6) - Horde
Ally - Troll Warrior
When Lu'ka is dealt damage, you may exhaust target hero or ally.
6 Melee Damage
Health: 5

Natasha Hutchins (ILLIDAN 161/252 C)
(2) - Horde
Ally - Undead Mage
Shadow Resistance (Prevent all shadow [Shadow] damage that this ally would be dealt.)
3 Shadow Damage
Health: 2

Offender Gora (ILLIDAN 162/252 U)
(1) - Horde
Ally - Orc Shaman
Gora has -2 ATK during each opponent's turn.
2 Melee Damage
Health: 1

Overlord Or'barokh (ILLIDAN 163/252 R)
(8 ) - Horde
Ally - Orc Warrior - Unique
When Or'barokh enters play, you may destroy target damaged ally.
8 Melee Damage
Health: 1

"The Painsaw" (ILLIDAN 164/252 C)
(3) - Horde
Ally - Orc Warrior
When The Painsaw enters play, you may destroy target ready weapon.
3 Melee Damage
Health: 2

Ra'waza Stonetusk (ILLIDAN 165/252 C)
(2) - Horde
Ally - Troll Shaman
At the start of your turn, Ra'waza heals all damage from himself.
0 Nature Damage
Health: 5

Roger Mortis (ILLIDAN 166/252 C)
(6) - Horde
Ally - Undead Warlock
(1) , Put 1 damage on another ally in your party -> Roger deals 1 fire damage to target hero or ally. Use only on your turn.
4 Fire Damage
Health: 5

Roon Plainswalker (ILLIDAN 167/252 C)
(3) - Horde
Ally - Tauren Shaman
Nature Resistance (Prevent all nature [Nature] damage that this ally would be dealt.)
4 Frost Damage
Health: 2

Skronk Skullseeker (ILLIDAN 168/252 C)
(2) - Horde
Ally - Orc Rogue
Skronk has +3 ATK while attacking an exhausted hero or ally.
1 Melee Damage
Health: 3

The Soul Conductor (ILLIDAN 169/252 R)
(3) - Horde
Ally - Orc Warlock
The Soul Conductor has +1 ATK / +1 health for each ally card in opposing removed from game zones.
2 Shadow Damage
Health: 2

Tusk (ILLIDAN 170/252 U)
(3) - Horde
Ally - Troll Hunter
When Tusk deals combat damage to a hero or ally, other heroes and allies in your party have long-range while attacking that character this turn.
1 Ranged Damage
Health: 4

Xela the Tormentor (ILLIDAN 171/252 R)
(6) - Horde
Ally - Blood Elf Warlock
When Xela enters play, you may put a Pet card from your graveyard into play if its cost is less than or equal to the number of resources you have.
3 Shadow Damage
Health: 3

Ya'za the Vandal (ILLIDAN 172/252 C)
(4) - Horde
Ally - Troll Rogue
When Ya'za enters play, you may destroy target armor or item.
4 Melee Damage
Health: 3

Anchorite Ceyla (ILLIDAN 173/252 R)
(7) - Aldor
Ally - Draenei Priest - Unique
Aldor Reputation
When another ally in your party is destroyed, its owner may put it from his graveyard into hand at the start of the next turn.
6 Holy Damage
Health: 7

Anchorite Kilandra (ILLIDAN 174/252 C)
(1) - Aldor
Ally - Draenei Priest
Aldor Reputation
When Kilandra enters play, name a card in play you control.
Inspire: Card with that name (You may ready a card you control with that name during each other player's ready step.)
1 Holy Damage
Health: 2

Exarch Onaala (ILLIDAN 175/252 E)
(8 ) - Aldor
Ally - Draenei Priest - Unique
Aldor Reputation
(5) -> Onaala deals 4 unpreventable holy damage to target hero or ally. Use only on your turn.
(4) -> Onaala heals 14 damage from target hero or ally. Use only on your turn.
4 Holy Damage
Health: 8

Instructor Giralo (ILLIDAN 176/252 C)
(2) - Aldor
Ally - Draenei Priest
Aldor Reputation
Inspire: Ally (You may ready one of your allies during each other player's ready step.)
When Giralo inspires an ally, that ally is a protector this turn.
2 Holy Damage
Health: 3

Thief Catcher Norun (ILLIDAN 177/252 C)
(3) - Aldor
Ally - Draenei Warrior
Aldor Reputation (Can't put Scryer cards in your deck.)
Norun can also protect against attackers with stealth.
1 Melee Damage
Health: 4

Vindicator Aluumen (ILLIDAN 178/252 R)
(6) - Aldor
Ally - Draenei Warrior - Unique
Aldor Reputation
Inspire: All friendly protectors
6 Melee Damage
Health: 6

Vindicator Falaan (ILLIDAN 179/252 R)
(3) - Aldor
Ally - Draenei Warrior
Aldor Reputation
Inspire: All friendly heroes and allies with "Tap" powers
3 Holy Damage
Health: 3

Vindicator Javlo (ILLIDAN 180/252 C)
(5) - Aldor
Ally - Draenei Priest
Aldor Reputation (Can't put Scryer cards in your deck.)
When an ally in your party is inspired, draw a card.
4 Melee Damage
Health: 5

Vindicator Kentho (ILLIDAN 181/252 U)
(2) - Aldor
Ally - Draenei Warrior
Aldor Reputation
Destroy Kentho -> Interrupt target card or effect targeting a card in play you control.
3 Melee Damage
Health: 2

Vindicator Lorin (ILLIDAN 182/252 U)
(4) - Aldor
Ally - Draenei Paladin
Aldor Reputation
Inspire: Armor and item
4 Holy Damage
Health: 4

Vindicator Vasha (ILLIDAN 183/252 U)
(1) - Aldor
Ally - Draenei Paladin
Aldor Reputation
Cards in play with reputation other than Aldor lose and can't have powers.
2 Holy Damage
Health: 1

Arcanist Bartis (ILLIDAN 184/252 C)
(2) - Seher
Ally - Blood Elf Mage
Scryer Reputation
Sabotage: Player (This ally can attack opposing players.)
When Bartis sabotages a player, that player discards a card or destroys an ally in his party.
1 Fire Damage
Health: 1

Arcanist Renaan (ILLIDAN 185/252 C)
(1) - Seher
Ally - Blood Elf Mage
Scryer Reputation (Can't put Aldor cards in your deck.)
If you would draw a card, you may draw it from the bottom of your deck instead.
1 Arcane Damage
Health: 2

Arcanist Thelis (ILLIDAN 186/252 R)
(6) - Seher
Ally - Blood Elf Mage - Unique
Scryer Reputation
Sabotage: Deck
When Thelis sabotages a deck, switch that deck with yours.
5 Arcane Damage
Health: 4

Battlemage Vyara (ILLIDAN 187/252 R)
(7) - Seher
Ally - Blood Elf Battlemage - Unique
Scryer Reputation
You may exhaust Vyara rather than pay the cost of an ability with cost 7 or less, or a weapon's strike cost of 7 or less.
6 Melee Damage
Health: 6

Historian Firana (ILLIDAN 188/252 C)
(3) - Seher
Ally - Blood Elf Rogue
Scryer Reputation (Can't put Aldor cards in your deck.)
Opponents play with their hands revealed.
3 Melee Damage
Health: 3

Magistrix Valthin (ILLIDAN 189/252 U)
(3) - Seher
Ally - Blood Elf Mage
Scryer Reputation
When an ability enters play, you may have target player gain control of it. If it's attached, that player may reattach it.
4 Frost Damage
Health: 2

Retainer Alashon (ILLIDAN 190/252 R)
(2) - Seher
Ally - Blood Elf Rogue
Scryer Reputation
Sabotage: All keywords
When Alashon sabotages keywords, opposing cards everywhere lose and can’t have keyword powers while he remains in your party.
2 Nature Damage
Health: 3

Retainer Faryn (ILLIDAN 191/252 U)
(5) - Seher
Ally - Blood Elf Rogue
Scryer Reputation
Sabotage: Resource
When Faryn sabotages a resource, gain control of it. (Move it to your resource row.)
3 Melee Damage
Health: 3

Retainer Kai (ILLIDAN 192/252 C)
(4) - Seher
Ally - Blood Elf Rogue
Scryer Reputation (Can't put Aldor cards in your deck.)
When Kai or another Scryer ally enters your party, opposing heroes and allies can't protect this turn.
4 Melee Damage
Health: 4

Retainer Marcus (ILLIDAN 193/252 U)
(1) - Seher
Ally - Blood Elf Hunter
Scryer Reputation
When Marcus enters play, look at target player's hand and name a card in it.
That player can't play cards with that name.
0 Ranged Damage
Health: 2

Varen the Reclaimer (ILLIDAN 194/252 E)
(8 ) - Seher
Ally - Blood Elf Mage - Unique
Scryer Reputation
Sabotage: Game
When Varen sabotages a game, the winner of this game also wins the next game.
6 Melee Damage
Health: 8

Akama (ILLIDAN 195/252 E)
(8 ) - Neutral
Ally - Broken Elder Sage - Unique
Loyal Hero Required
Protector, Stealth
Other allies in your party are untargetable.
Traitor cards can't be played.
7 Melee Damage
Health: 9

Ambassador Jerrikar (ILLIDAN 196/252 R)
(5) - Neutral
Ally - Satyr Demon - Unique
Jerrikar has ferocity if an opponent went first this game.
4 Melee Damage
Health: 5

Azaloth (ILLIDAN 197/252 E)
(12) - Neutral
Ally - Pit Lord Demon - Unique
When Azaloth enters play, choose an opponent. That opponent puts five Warlock ally tokens with 0 (Shadow) ATK / 5 health into play.
Azaloth can't attack while any of those tokens are in play.
50 Melee Damage
Health: 50

Collidus the Warp-Watcher (ILLIDAN 198/252 E)
(7) - Neutral
Ally - Demon - Unique
When Collidus enters play, put each other ally into its owner's hand.
6 Shadow Damage
Health: 4

Doomwalker (ILLIDAN 199/252 E)
(11) - Neutral
Ally - Mechanical - Unique
When an opposing ability, ally, or equipment becomes exhausted, destroy it.
11 Melee Damage
Health: 11

Edward the Odd (ILLIDAN 200/252 E)
(5) - Neutral
Ally - Human Paladin
Cards in opposing hands lose and can’t have instant.
5 Melee Damage
Health: 5

Ethereal Plunderer (ILLIDAN 201/252 R)
(5) - Neutral
Ally - Ethereal
When Ethereal Plunderer leaves play, you may gain control of target equipment.
4 Arcane Damage
Health: 4

Maiev Shadowsong (ILLIDAN 202/252 E)
(8 ) - Neutral
Ally - Night Elf Warden - Unique
Loyal Hero Required
Elusive, Ferocity, Long-Range, Protector, Stealth, Untargetable
5 Ranged Damage
Health: 1

Xi'ri (ILLIDAN 203/252 E)
(13) - Neutral
Ally - Naaru - Unique
At the end of your turn, destroy all Demons.
13 Holy Damage
Health: 13

Akama's Sash (ILLIDAN 204/252 R)
(4) - Priest, Mage, Warlock
Armor - Cloth - Waist (1)
Loyal Hero Required
If your hero would deal damage with an ability, it deals that much unpreventable damage +1 instead.
When an ally is destroyed by fatal damage dealt with an ability you control, remove that ally from the game.

Ar'tor's Mainstay (ILLIDAN 205/252 R)
(4) - Shaman, Hunter
Armor - Mail - Hands (1)
When your hero deals damage with an ability, you may ready one of your resources.

Borak's Belt of Bravery (ILLIDAN 206/252 U)
(2) - Warrior, Paladin
Armor - Plate - Waist (1)
When Borak's Belt of Bravery prevents damage, put 1 damage on your hero.

Coif of the Wicked (ILLIDAN 207/252 R)
(5) - Shaman, Hunter
Armor - Mail - Head (1)
Hunter : When you place a quest, ready your hero and all of your Ranged weapons.
Shaman : When you place a quest, ready your hero and all of your Melee weapons.

Doomplate Shoulderguards (ILLIDAN 208/252 U)
(2) - Warrior, Paladin
Armor - Plate - Shoulder (1)
Each of your other equipment is untargetable while you have five or more equipment.

Gloves of the High Magus (ILLIDAN 209/252 E)
(4) - Priest, Mage, Warlock
Armor - Cloth - Hands (1)
Tap , Remove the top card of your deck from the game -> If it's an ability, ally, or equipment card, you may play it this turn if able. If it's a quest card, you may place it this turn if able.

Greaves of Desolation (ILLIDAN 210/252 R)
(2) - Shaman, Hunter
Armor - Mail - Legs (1)
When you strike with a weapon, your hero heals all damage from target ally in your party.

The Hands of Fate (ILLIDAN 211/252 R)
(2) - Warrior, Paladin
Armor - Plate - Hands (1)
The Hands of Fate enters play with three +1 DEF counters if an opponent went first this game.

Hauberk of Karabor (ILLIDAN 212/252 R)
(2) - Rogue, Druid
Armor - Leather - Chest (1)
Your hero has +1 health for each ability and equipment you control.

Mana-Etched Spaulders (ILLIDAN 213/252 U)
(2) - Priest, Mage, Warlock
Armor - Cloth - Shoulder (1)
Tap -> Your hero heals 1 damage from itself for each of your armor with Mana-Etched in its name.

Naaru Belt of Precision (ILLIDAN 214/252 R)
(2) - Rogue, Druid
Armor - Leather - Waist (1)
Naaru Belt of Precision has +X DEF, where X is your hero's ATK.

Netherwing Protector's Shield (ILLIDAN 215/252 U)
(2) - Warrior, Paladin, Shaman
Armor - Shield - Off-Hand (1)
Your hero has dual shield. (Can have a second Shield instead of a Melee weapon.)

Pauldrons of Desolation (ILLIDAN 216/252 R)
(4) - Shaman, Hunter
Armor - Mail - Shoulder (1)
When you strike with a weapon, target ally in your party has long-range this turn.

Wastewalker Shoulderpads (ILLIDAN 217/252 U)
(3) - Rogue, Druid
Armor - Leather - Shoulder (1)
When your hero attacks, you may exhaust target hero or ally.

Band of the Inevitable (ILLIDAN 218/252 R)
(2) - Paladin, Shaman, Druid
Item - Finger (2)
X , Destroy Band of the Inevitable -> Destroy each equipment with cost X or less. Use only on your turn.

Lightwarden's Band (ILLIDAN 219/252 R)
(2) - Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue
Item - Finger (2)
Aldor Reputation
Your hero has "Inspire: Ability, ally, equipment, hero, or resource."

Medallion of the Lightbearer (ILLIDAN 220/252 U)
(1) - Warrior, Paladin, Shaman, Hunter, Rogue, Druid, Priest, Mage, Warlock
Item - Neck (1)
Aldor Reputation
Heroes and allies in your party with inspire are also protectors.

Scryer's Bloodgem (ILLIDAN 221/252 U)
(2) - Warrior, Paladin, Shaman, Hunter, Rogue, Druid, Priest, Mage, Warlock
Item - Trinket (2)
Scryer Reputation
Heroes and allies in your party with sabotage also have stealth.

Seer's Signet (ILLIDAN 222/252 R)
(6) - Shaman, Druid, Priest, Mage, Warlock
Item - Finger (2)
Scryer Reputation
Your hero has "Sabotage: Ability or equipment."
When your hero sabotages a card, destroy it.

Ashtongue Blade (ILLIDAN 223/252 U)
(2) - Shaman, Rogue
Weapon - One-Hand - Dagger - Melee (1)
Loyal Hero Required
(Can't put this in your deck if your hero is a Traitor.)
1 Melee - 0 Strike

Bloodwarder's Rifle (ILLIDAN 224/252 R)
(4) - Hunter
Weapon - Gun - Ranged (1)
Your hero has long-range.
3 Ranged - 2 Strike

Felsteel Whisper Knives (ILLIDAN 225/252 R)
(1) - Rogue
Weapon - Knife - Ranged (1)
Thrown (When you strike with this weapon, your hero has long-range this combat. At the end of this turn, put this weapon into its owner's hand.)
2 Ranged - 1 Strike

Hammer of the Naaru (ILLIDAN 226/252 E)
(8 ) - Paladin, Shaman, Druid
Weapon - Two-Hand - Mace - Melee (1)
When your hero attacks, exhaust all opposing heroes and allies.
Damage that would be dealt with Hammer of the Naaru is unpreventable.
6 Melee - 0 Strike

Illidari-Bane Mageblade (ILLIDAN 227/252 U)
(2) - Priest, Mage, Warlock
Weapon - One-Hand - Dagger - Melee (1)
If your hero would deal damage to a Demon, it deals double that much instead.
1 Melee - 2 Strike

Lucky Strike Axe (ILLIDAN 228/252 R)
(4) - Warrior, Paladin, Shaman, Hunter
Weapon - Two-Hand - Axe - Melee (1)
Lucky Strike Axe enters play with three +1 ATK counters if an opponent went first this game.
1 Melee - 0 Strike

Staff of the Ashtongue Deathsworn (ILLIDAN 229/252 R)
(4) - Shaman, Druid, Priest
Weapon - Two-Hand - Staff - Melee (1)
Loyal Hero Required
Text that refers to the start of a turn refers to the end of that turn instead.
1 Melee - 4 Strike

Tirisfal Wand of Ascendancy (ILLIDAN 230/252 U)
(1) - Priest, Mage, Warlock
Weapon - Wand - Ranged (1)
Remove an ability card in your graveyard from the game -> You pay (1) less the next time you strike with Tirisfal Wand of Ascendancy this turn.
1 Shadow - 1 Strike

Vindicator's Brand (ILLIDAN 231/252 R)
(3) - Warrior, Paladin
Weapon - One-Hand - Sword - Melee (1)
Aldor Reputation
When Vindicator's Brand is destroyed, you may destroy target ability or equipment.
3 Melee - 1 Strike

Retainer's Blade (ILLIDAN 232/252 R)
(2) - Shaman, Rogue
Weapon - One-Hand - Dagger - Melee (1)
Scryer Reputation
When Retainer's Blade is destroyed, you may destroy target ally.
2 Melee - 1 Strike

Return to the Aldor (ILLIDAN 233/252 C)
Quest - Aldor
Aldor Reputation
If you have another Aldor card in play, pay (2) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.

Return to the Scryers (ILLIDAN 234/252 C)
Quest - Seher
Scryer Reputation
If you have another Scryer card in play, pay (2) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.

Against the Illidari (ILLIDAN 235/252 C)
If you control an ability, pay (2) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.

Akama's Promise (ILLIDAN 236/252 C)
Loyal Hero Required
(Can't put this in your deck if your hero is a Traitor.)
Pay (1) for each card in your hand to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.

Bane of the Illidari (ILLIDAN 237/252 C)
If you have an equipment, pay (2) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.

Battle of the Crimson Watch (ILLIDAN 238/252 C)
Pay (3) or more to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card for each (3) paid this way.

The Cipher of Damnation (ILLIDAN 239/252 C)
Pay (3) to complete this quest.
Reward: Reveal the top two cards of your deck. If they have different card types, put both into hand. Otherwise, put both on the bottom of your deck.

The Deathforge (ILLIDAN 240/252 U)
Remove three equipment cards in your graveyard from the game to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.

The Fel and the Furious (ILLIDAN 241/252 C)
If your hero has more damage than an opposing hero, pay (1) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.

I Was a Lot of Things... (ILLIDAN 242/252 C)
Pay (3) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card for each opposing hero.

The Lexicon Demonica (ILLIDAN 243/252 R)
During your turn, pay (3) to complete this quest.
Reward: Turn all resources face down.

Minions of the Shadow Council (ILLIDAN 244/252 R)
When an opposing ally is destroyed, put a corpse counter on Minions of the Shadow Council.
Remove all corpse counters and pay (3) to complete this quest.
Reward: If you removed three or more counters this way, draw three cards.

The Path of Conquest (ILLIDAN 245/252 C)
If no opposing allies are in play, pay (2) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.

Reclaiming Holy Grounds (ILLIDAN 246/252 U)
Pay (1) to complete this quest.
Reward: Put target quest card from your graveyard into hand.

The Secret Compromised (ILLIDAN 247/252 C)
Pay (1) to complete this quest.
Reward: Look at the top three cards of target opponent's deck. Put one on top of his deck and the rest on the bottom.

Skywing (ILLIDAN 248/252 R)
During your turn, pay (3) to complete this quest.
Reward: Put a Bird ally token named Skywing with 1 ATK / 1 health into play. At the start of your next turn, it has +3 ATK / +3 health and is also an Arakkoa.

The Summoning Chamber (ILLIDAN 249/252 U)
If an ability was destroyed this turn, pay (1) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.

Tabards of the Illidari (ILLIDAN 250/252 C)
If an ally is in your party, pay (2) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.

Teron Gorefiend, I Am... (ILLIDAN 251/252 C)
Pay (3) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.

What Illidan Wants, Illidan Gets... (ILLIDAN 252/252 U)
If a Demon is in your party, pay (2) to complete this quest.
Reward: Draw a card.
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post Понедельник, 23-e Июня 2008, 00:03
Сообщение #8

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одни поломы....
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post Понедельник, 23-e Июня 2008, 02:28
Сообщение #9

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Релиз обещает быть интересным
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post Вторник, 24-oe Июня 2008, 01:09
Сообщение #10

впавшая в состояние берсеркера саблезубая мышь
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я в шоке терь без интераптов на веня приста можно не идти

хотя мне очччч нравится магма тотем ибо он палом поломов сиринг тотем отжил своё))
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