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> Warhammer Fb 8ed
Tarzit Do'Argot
post Вторник, 4-oe Мая 2010, 10:17
Сообщение #1

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Ну что народ, у кого какие впечатления от руморсов ?

Standard Bearer = Re-roll one of the charging dice
Musician = +1" Charge bonus
Champion = One free reform
+1CR for charging

Знаменосец = рерол одного дайса на чардж.
Музыкант = +1" дальность чарджа.
Чемпион = Одно перестроение во время чарджа
+1 к результату боя при чардже

Пытаются комманд групу сделать обязательной.


Bows fire in 2 ranks as standard.
* Units armed with bows, short bows and longbows fire in two ranks. Units armed with handguns, crossbows, anything else fire in 1 rank - Avian and someone else, so I'm considering this confirmed now.
* Missile units will not gain a rank when shooting from hills.
Луки стреляют в 2 ряда по умолчанию
*Отряды вооружённые луками, длинными луками и короткими луками стреляют в 2 ряда. Отряды с огнестрелом, арбалетчики и все остальные стреляют только перым рядом
* Стрелки на холме не могут стрелять доп рядом.

Нерфят ганнеров и арбалетчиков


War Machines
* Weapons using the flame template or large or small blast templates automatically hit any model in contact rather than cause partial hits. If you are touched, you are hit. -Avian and someone else, so I'm сonsidering this confirmed now

Оружие с шаблонами попадает даже если просто задело шаблоном, а не на 4+ как раньше.

Камнемёты вообще убойные становятся.


* Infantry models in the second rank can fight, with a maximum of 1A per model (with whatever weapon they have). - Avian/Harry
* Special rules apply as normal.
* Spears +1 rank as normal, but one attack only (fighting in 3 ranks).
* Spearelves may fight with an additional rank as normal (citzen levy).
* This is the same regardless of which side they are attacked on
* Cavalry still only fight in 1 rank.
* This does not apply to Monstrous Infantry, who are rumoured to fight with their normal number of attacks from the second rank.

* 10+ wide units attack with one rank more than normal. There are no other requirements to be a Horde. - Avian

* If you are only engaged to the front and have more ranks than the opponent, you are Stubborn. - Avian/Harry

Unit Strength
* Unit Strength is completely gone, lots of things are altered to compensate for this. -Avian

Бустят пехотные коробки. Притом сильно. Тяжёлая кавалерия не может маршировать теперь.


* If a large unit panics, ie. 30 Orcs, they panic all smaller units within 18 inches. But if your general is withing 12 inches you are immune to panic.. Take this with a lot of salt.- Avian says this is possibly speculation(Avian)
* Autobreaking from fear or terror is gone.

Будет весело я думаю.


Fighting in woods is -1 CR for ranked infantry and +1 CR for skirmishers. Might be worse for cavalry. - Avian

Интерсеные правила на террейн. Если будет реализовано грамотно, то будет хорошо.

Ну и конечно самое, наверное, главное изменение.

Striking in Initiative order
* Combat will always strictly be resolved in initiative order (confirmed).

Давайте обсудим.

P.S. Обновляющийся источник.

Сообщение отредактировал Tarzit Do'Argot - Четверг, 6-oe Мая 2010, 08:10
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Tarzit Do'Argot
post Понедельник, 17-oe Мая 2010, 08:03
Сообщение #21

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* Rumoured to be:
Infantry M1-M6 = Basic Movement value + 2D6
Fast Attack M7+ (Cavalry and fliers) = Basic Movement value + 3D6 use 2 highest)
* +1CR for charging. -Avian (more likely)

* Move 10 " and march 20 ". They ignore terrain whilst moving. While fleeing or pursuing, they use their ground movement. (note: the ground movement part may not be entirely correct)

* Movement distance as normal. When there's an enemy within 8", the unit has to pass a leadership test to march. Not sure how this applies to Dwarfs.

* Units may reform once, but may neither move nor shoot the same turn. If the unit has a musician, it may move afterwards, or shoot. (Note: I'm pretty sure I'm missing some details on that one.)

чардж на 15(16") гномами это конечно пиздец пиздецовый. Кавалерию опустили серьёзно. sad.gif

Spells are now categorized. There are: Missiles, Curses, Buffs, Direct Damage and Power Whirl spells.

* Missiles: Require Line of Sight and may not be cast into close combat.
* Curses: Modify enemy stats and/or equipment
* Buffs: Support your own troops
* Direct damage: Spells that use templates or apply to the whole target unit.
* Power whirls: Apply to all of the battlefield or move across the table.!?

Each lore has an additional effect. For example:

* Lore of Shadows: After the wizard successfully casts a spell, he may switch places with another friendly character of the same unit type.
* Lore of Death: For each wound caused by lore of death spells, roll a D6. On a roll of 5+ you are granted an additional power dice.
* Lore of Fire: If the enemy suffered a from a fire lore spell earlier this magic phase, the caster is granted a Bonus of +3 when casting a fire spell upon the same target.
* Lore of Metal: Direct damage spells from the lore of metal have no strength value. Instead the unmodified armour save of the target is the required roll to wound. This causes flaming attacks and ignores armour saves.

Магия впринципе вкусная получается.

True Line of sight

* Units draw true line of sight. You are considered in cover when shot at through another unit, granting a -1 or -2 penalty on to hit rolls. Note that someone else has said this is more likely as well.

Тру лос это тоже пиздец пиздецовый.


* Infantry models in the second rank can fight, with a maximum of 1A per model. - Avian/Harry. Great weapons can only be used in one rank. – Godless.
* This is only for models fighting to the front. Units charged in the flank or rear only fight in 1 rank, but being charged in the flank or rear will not stop units fighting in multiple ranks to the front.
* Most special rules apply as normal. however... Whatever combination of weapons/ special rules/ spells/ whatever, infantry can only ever attack with 1 attack per model in the second and subsequent ranks.
One Save.

* A model can always take an armour save. They can then take either a ward save or a regeneration save.

Crush them!

* Monstrous Cavalry and Monstrous Infantry are granted 1 bonus attack with the "always strikes last" special rule, at base strength

Destroy them!

* Larger Creatures and Monsters do D6 attacks instead of 1 attack for crush them.

Как то жирно дали монстрам.


* Great weapons Always strike last (this overrides any army book rules). Can only be used in the first rank. - Godless
ASL combined with ASF cancel each other out. Strike in initiative order.

However ASF + higher initiative than your enemy: Reroll to hit rolls. So even if Swordmasters and White Lions are striking in initiative order they may get re-rolls to hit!

В целом как то не однозначно получается.
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Tarzit Do'Argot
post Понедельник, 24-oe Мая 2010, 10:07
Сообщение #22

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Прошли первые тесты по 8ed.
Много что потвердилось, коечто не подтвердилось.


-indeed M+2d6 charging, cav has 3d6 choose the twos highet
-failed charge: move the higher of the two dice rolled withoud added M value
-redirecting through flee works different: charging unit may charge another unit if they pass a MW test
-you may measure if you want to charge before the roll to the units you might want to charge and if you cast, but not always
-wheeling for charging units is "free" - you measure the distance from the closest model, and if you reach the enemy, the unit wheels for free
-fleeing through unpassable terrain and enemy units: 1d6 for every model, dies on a 1

shooting:TLOS with a large explanation which parts of a model count and which don't (horns, banner, swords etc)
-if an enemy unit is half obstructed by another unit, they count as beeing in heavy cover (or is it hard cover in english?)
-no +1 for large targets
-not only archers, but everyone might shoot with two ranks (don't know for cav though)
-No guessing, cannons work entirely different

magic: no movement of the magic phase, still move - magic - shoot - assault
-Power dice are now called energy dice if I understand him correct
-2d6 power dice, defender gets the higher one as DD; hard cap at 12 dice; mages may generate one more PD/DD on a roll of 6
-every spell, regardless of rank, may be cast with 6 PD; you may use as much DD as you want (no upper limit)
-level of the caster does not matter for the amount of PD, but they get their level as bonus to PD/DD
-no more double 1, but bad effects for total energy (that the english term?)
-if you don't cast succesfuly because you don't reach the complexity, the caster might not cast other spells this turn
-if you do not manage to dispel because you roll to low, the caster might not try to dispel this turn
-you might still try to dispel even without caster, but you don't get their level as bonus to the roll
-rumour that no spell except for the first one might be duplicated seems to be wrong

close combat, though nothing new:

-attacking in I order, models are taken from the back, only living models may strike
-charging gives only +1 CR rank
-infantry can strike with two ranks, second rank with one attack, if 10 wide might strike in 3 ranks
-monstrous infantry gains rank bonus 3 models wide, second rank can attack with full attacks
-no more outnumber, but stubbern with more ranks, example: skaven slaves 3 ranks deep are charged to front, flank and rear with goblins 2 ranks deep - they are still stubborn
-when charged to the flank, enemy may only strike with one rank; to negate ranks, infantry needs at least two ranks five wide

psychology does not disappear
-panic gets stronger: one model suffices to test on panic
-terror has no more arrea of effect
-no autobreak, but fight with WS1 on failed panic test

25% chars, 25%+ core, 50% elite, 50% rares. thats what he has been told, but he himself is surprised, and thinks, rares are wrong
3 elite, 2 rares; bigger games have 6 elite, 4 rares

that is what he has been told by the store manager and been shown with models on the battlefield. he thinks most of this is true (and most of this has already been rumoured here)

next post: 25% lords, 25% heroes (not quite sure if i translated this correct), max 3 elites and 50% in 3000 points (+1 for 1000 points), 25% rare

many detailed rules on terrain, units have to roll what kind of wood they enterfor example and different kinds of woods give different boni/mali, same for rivers (mentioned: river of blood, units charging out of it gain fear)

6 missions with different objectives, but still simple open battle possible

you may measure every time

every charge gets dealed with completely before the next charge may occur

ranged units shoot in 2 ranks, weapons with the rule "salvo" may shoot with half of the third rank

cannons: declare a point you want to shoot, roll artillery dices, no more guessing

6 spells per lore, some with multiple levels for damage or range

spells may be taken more than once and cast more than once per turn, but not by the same caster. caster level gets added to the roll. roll of 1 or 2 is a miscast which means the caster can't try to cast any other spells for this turn

double 6 iss full energy, can't be dispelled, but you then have to roll on a list

Every lore has special effects

no more +1 for HW + shield, but 6+inv. save (not sure if this is the german term for ward save or something different)

that's it. sometimes my translation might be worse than google's, though, I think...

EDIT: another post, fresh out of a GWLS: monsters have "crush them" rule (like those charriot hits, forgot the name), 1 attack for ogres/trolls and d6 for hydra

breath weapons: only once per game, no more partials, 2d6 hits in CC

no more guessing

mountesd models with GW +2S

Lores are chosen before the game

Each spell that has been rolled might only be taken once per army (exception: first spell, because you may chose to take this one); if you have more casterlevels then spells you "lose" spells
(he is sure of this, asked twice (and kind of confirmation that you have to roll which spells you get)

spells with "remain in game" remain even if the caster casts another spell; can only be dispelled or revoked by the caster

most spells have a complexity around 10

enemy may march in 8" if he passes an MW test

Тру лос это конечне не есть гуд. Как и отсуствие гесса.
Но вот бой по ине уже веселее, особенно для моих дарков. И стрельба в два ряда арбалетичками тоже очень гуд.

Мне кажется что это будет немного другая игра. ОЧЕНЬ интересно эрраты для армибуков почитать.

Сообщение отредактировал Tarzit Do'Argot - Понедельник, 24-oe Мая 2010, 10:13
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Tarzit Do'Argot
post Четверг, 3-e Июня 2010, 08:02
Сообщение #23

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Stone Thrower

* Reduced to S3(9), armour saves are allowed.

Warmachines and special wargear:

* Warmachines and special wargear (Cauldron of Blood, Anvil of Doom, Casket of Souls etc) will all have a combined Wounds profile now, similar to the Skaven Warplightning Cannon.

All shooting is directed against the machines toughness, all close combat attacks are directed against Crews WS/Toughness.

The number of wounds the warmachine has is equal to total wounds of the crew. Independent Characters may no longer join Warmachine crews, Engineers can only guide the machines from up to 3” away.

Неплохо ...
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Tarzit Do'Argot
post Понедельник, 7-oe Июня 2010, 16:33
Сообщение #24

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1) Just the book no gimmicks (60 euro).
2) "Gamers Edition"; the book with some counters, a tape measure, templates and I suppose all the items found in the picture all bundled inside a nice little rucksack. (97,50 euro)
3) "Collectors Edition"; leatherbound book with metal edges and parchment paper. (97,50 euro)

цены на разные варианты рулбука.

Сообщение отредактировал Tarzit Do'Argot - Понедельник, 7-oe Июня 2010, 16:34
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Tarzit Do'Argot
post Четверг, 1-oe Июля 2010, 08:03
Сообщение #25

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Слухи по 8ed smile.gif
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